What was it like?. I went up because I forgot one of my star charts in the classroom and I nearly walked into them! But, she tried to explain, they still dont get it. You dont need to fetch anyone. She wanted to get her gear and head outside so she could start practicingit was hot in the barn and she wanted the wind in her face so that her riding outfit wasnt so warm. A bludger knocked from Ravenclaws experienced beater bought their keeper enough time to get into place. Emma sent Silver off with her letter and went back to the guide book. Emma was waiting near an alcove outside of the Charms classroom as Professor Flitwick was busy cleaning up the results of the sixth years practice of Avis, the bird conjuring spell. Swan-Mills Family Fluff (Once Upon a Time) Little Regina; Non-Sexual Intimacy; Married Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan; Sibling Rivalry; Fluff and Smut; . She eventually found a folded white blanket that might be it in the closet, I think I found it!, Really? Daniel, the Mills' stable boy, is there to pick up the pieces. This was in the closet. However, now that Regina was talking to her, Rocinante seemed to be taking an interest. Turned awkwardly she shouted, Protego! As if on cue the large bubble that had formed by the other bubbles merging until it covered the entire surface of the cauldron popped, sending hundreds of boiling droplets all over the small practice dungeon. Of course, Emmas lips brushed Reginas as she replied to Reginas question, just in case it wasnt obvious from before. (Regina's Daughter/OutlawQueen/OUAT Fanfic) Searching for a place where she can finally feel at home, Raina comes across a small town called Storybrooke. Look, your mother is clearly an insane murderer, but apparently, Emmas voice got a little hysterical on that word before she recovered, thats not new. Howd you like it?, I enjoy it, Neal said, Next year is my last year. Regina suppressed a blush, I already told you, theres no need. It isnt very clear how it all works since my dad wasnt one. Ruby always had better gossip than anyone else, something Emma hadnt thought would be nearly as interesting as it normally turned out to be. when a girl asks you to sleep with her. As soon as the bellhop left, Henry didnt hesitate to throw himself at the double bed. For what book?, They turned a corner at a quick walk only for Emma to be surprised when they hit a dead end. Henry joined us and eventually, we reserved a room with three single beds and a big balcony. Then they sent you into hiding., When they went to face the group, something went wrong. Of course you would see me as too close to her to confide in me, but I wanted you to known I would have backed you over her for a few years now., Regina swallowed, her head spinning. Granny gave her an unreadable look, before giving a polite nod and shaking her hand, You as well. The grey bubbling potion looked like a standard invisibility potion, and she did a very good job for a first try, if she did say so herself. Before Emma could say anything, she apparated away and Emma was left standing off to the side, awkward but pleased. Her Astronomy professor had called her Emma White at least three times since the truth came out. Why?, The exam is tomorrow and I always have trouble sleeping the night before anything big happens. She hated that people would just come up to her and start talking to her now. Pay me? No one had ever paid her for a potion, normally she just traded favors or even just made something for a friend because they asked and it was nice to have her skills appreciated. As she left to head home with her new purchase, she was smilingshe had never truly felt like she had anything entirely alone or entirely private before. Shes so private about magic., I am not, Lily replied, rolling her eyes. Is it possible you need new glasses?. Regardless the goblin she spoke to merely nodded and said, This way, maam, as he got down from his high stool. Ms. results. Theres no need to do this. Thats why I was reading this when we ran into each other.. At least Regina knew they had come for him, not her mother, not out of obligation. Yes yes. What an imbecile.. The counter had five windows, two of which were open, all of which said Muggle Currency Exchange Services. Emma Swan didnt break curses and it wasnt her job to. Regina had considered requesting a different goblin than the one her family already worked with in the hopes that she could hide the new vault she hoped to open from her mother. Gringotts wanted long term customers, that was why it gave such good service to the older families, despite their attitudes. Did she have any crazy guards on her heart vault?. And so, I merely want to offer you my respect and to tell you, formally, that if you ever what to confide in me, you are welcome to. If anyones giving you any trouble, let me know and Id be glad to help you out., Emma raised an eyebrow skeptically, Really?. Even Sidney had clearly been trying to show off, like saying a swear word to be impressive or cool. Then she nodded at Emma, who nodded back. How could she have just told everyone? A student came out of the classroom, he barely looked at the other second years waiting to go to class when his eyes passed over her. There is great potential here, wherever you go, although very different paths. (And they don't yet know that it will change their lives. Mary Margaret liked to watchwell, mostly she was convinced they were all going to crash and would run around with bandages underneath them. Her hand rested there a moment both Cora moved to push her hand into Reginas chest and rip her heart out. With the legacy of her deceased parents hanging over Emma's every move and a mother like Regina's, even Hogwarts might not be the refuge they are so desperately longing for. Every time she looked in the mirror and saw the scar badly healed by a witch who wasnt a healer. Whats the best you have so far? Kathryn asked, putting her own study materials aside to give Regina her full attention. In the south, people obsessed over college football, a little too much. I am grateful we can still exchange letters. Regina wasnt sure how long she stared unbelieving before her mother found her and dragged her away to start getting ready to greet the guests that were coming. She hastily tried to revert back to a casual tone. Patronum!. Now Ruby smiled for real and laughed, Butterbeer is the best. Going to her birth parents actual house. Their lips caught against each other and it was a bit more heavy-handed than Regina had meant, so she gentled her grip on Emmas cheek and brought her other hand to Emmas curls as she carefully eased up, only to open her mouth in the next second, unable to help herself. And thats all I know.. No one wanted to wait around. It felt wrong to go to perform a serious spell in her muggle T-shirt and ratty jeans. Her great aspiration to live a life where her mother could not control her. I talked with Professor Sprout last year, but it was pretty hypothetical. I wonder what else is different. Emmas ran a hand through her hair as she thought, How about flying? I hope they only cared before the trial because yeah, it definitely hit the papers. It was one thing to test potions on herself, another to do it to her friend. Other than that, we couldnt wake up until about 2 p.m. We knew that we would leave the next morning, so after having breakfast - or lunch or snack, I dont know what to call it - we spent most of the day packing and we also went out to a nearby supermarket to buy some food and drinks for the way back home. After a moment of silence, Emma turned to August, Im so sorry I made your dad upset. Surely even if the Blanchards have all but dwindled away, shes told you how the world really works. She shrugged and said with a forced casual tone, Nothing., Emma continued to stare at the stick. I- Taking a deep breath, I considered the options. It catered primarily to witches and wizards, but it was muggle passing and normal enough that frequently people with muggle relatives and friends in the know were able to bring them along without freaking them out or having them stick out like sore thumbs. Is that it? August shrugged, but he watched her carefully. Wha? Emma said blearily, trying to focus on the sleep blurred face of Granny while not disturbing Splotch who she could feel was on her head. Enjoy more toddler cuteness! Of course, Silvia replied, pulling her glasses up from the chain on her neck and placing them on her nose. What is it, Mom? Henry asked as he leaned forward on his elbows, a little concern in his eyes. Henry! Regina also told me that she promised to sit on the balcony with me the next night and it was actually not a bad idea to spend our last night in New York, so we did that. Now she was at the very least sure that Emma had no idea where she was going. I- I accidentally scared Emma while she was um- she was-. Now her job wasnt to make sure she caught it, but to make sure the snitch was caught as soon as possible before they lost their lead. After a few seconds of nothing happening, her mind already went into a panic. Next to me, Regina nodded and Henry showed me some of the snacks he brought. Can I see yours?. Shes very shook up from everything and the same way the house is in dispute, so is shewhich is a very uncomfortable place for a house elf to be in. Reginas mind refused to consider why her mother might look that way. Oh, Emma said. Enjoy! When Archie poured her a glass of water, she drank from it gratefully. Come!, he said, waving them in. Oh, hi MM. They frequently paired up during classes Hufflepuffs and Slytherins shared, but didnt talk much outside of class. Not even your first day and already you have managed to upset my plans, Cora said, her voice full of tightly controlled anger and a hint of disgust. What next? Emma asked and Lily turned the pages, their arms brushing as she did so. Since she was on an allowance, she only got a certain amount each year. Archie came to talk to me afterward. I found out they had to keep Mother knocked out almost continuously the first day, she nearly overpowered her jailers so many times once she found out about they were in the vault. Im worried about the timing, for the potions, Emma admitted. He interrupted her own staring to say, Were having trouble finding a new vein at the moment since Doc is cursedhes the one who knew how.. She stared blankly before lifting her eyes to him. Hell need to fix some of the damage or explain to a house elf what to do about it., Emma nodded, yesdoing things, thats what she needed. It took really long for Regina, though and I asked if she needed help, but she protested right away, so we waited for her by the deck chairs. Here? Emma wasnt sure shed ever seen a less magical looking place than this old-fashioned looking bank. After a season of ups and downs, will they win the National Championships? Once outside, the full moon provided enough light they simultaneously extinguished their wands. If a bunch of adult witches and wizards couldnt fix the problem, how could she? She had discarded that idea quickly, keeping something like that from goblins, whose job it was to manage wizard gold and assets, was silly. They decided to have me stay at St Mungos for privacy and secrecy reasons. With her wand she traced the figure on the the bottom of its floor and sealed it with the wizards knot. Its definitely not something we have a problem with at my school. What if she told Ruby to stop being friends with her? Regina Mills and Robin Locksley are co-residents (doctors in training) in a surgical residency. She closed her eyes and pulled one out. They stood there, holding on to each for another minute until Emma reluctantly pulled away. Emma gave a jerky little wave and disappeared from sight. She reached into the bag and pulled out the card deck theyd played with so many times. And Ill be in trouble at home.. Dilly, we need your help, Mary Margaret said, bending down slightly so she could look the house-elf more in the eye. ), a black shirt and her wavy shoulder-length hair was let loose, tangling with her long tassel drop earrings She really is the hottest woman Ive ever seen. Were getting closer to Storybrooke and Im so ready to see what adventures life has in store for us. He was afflicted by the spell. When Emma snuck a look, she saw the words changed as Granny muttered to herself and tapped it with her pen, which seemed to be her wand in disguise. She hoped they came back soon. I watched her shoulders rise and fall as she was breathing steadily. Emma rolled her eyes, as Regina narrowed hers, You arent seriously trying to bluff me right now, are you?, Regina scoffed before crossing her arms in front of herself, Fine, fine, she said, disgruntled. Cut that out or I will definitely have to call you evil too.. As she tracked both the willow and Emma, she felt alive in a way she hadnt since that last Quidditch game. I cant believe you lied about something like that! she yelled, unable to keep her hurt feelings in. Regina was very grateful for the privacy and she said an early good night to the others, too exhausted to continue talking to them and brought up her wall to the sitting room soon after arriving. And I told you take make it away.. fr delta i inlandet webbkryss / once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness. Emmas frown deepened and Regina didnt even need to hear Emma call her out on the lie to know Emma knew it was a lie. Wed need a confession to move against their estate., Thats what we figured, Emma said, speaking for the first time since the conversation got serious. It was just what I needed.. You know, they might come back., Lily pulled a hair tie off her wrist and began to put her long hair up in a ponytail. She can then control them or kill them by crushing it. Perhaps thats why Mother had chosen himshe thought he would be easy to control since her had no personality. Alright, okay. Without realizing it, she followed him since she hadnt been close enough to make out what was there. What are you wearing?, Regina blushed and hoped Daniel couldnt tell. The members of her own organization whod been cursed turned out to have been the ones investigating her for black market fairy dust deals and shed wanted them to remain cursed. She clutched the Howler to her chest and walked quickly to her room more out of habit than any ability to feel fear for its contents. This book contained far more information about how to use them in a variety of ways and the different techniques were what she hoped to use. Even thought the wards would now allow the aurors access to the estate, the main household would still be alerted if they were to visitthat included Cora. I told her, the captains confused voice rang out over her other teammates voices. Regina would have thought it was just because he was new, but the returning beater looked a bit green too. A P. Where are you? Robin was standing next to the bed, fully dressed. Protego Duo would be useful for you to know, since its more powerful than the one covered in Charms. Emma backed up a couple steps, Let me demonstrate.. Yeah, Emma said, searching for what to say besides, they let us keep familiars because Im a witch. Henry even offered that they could visit him sometime, but then I told him to tell us under any circumstances if he has such plans because, well, its Storybrooke and not an average town. Did you just-? I spoke as I realized there was nothing beneath me. Rage filled his eyes and he lunged for her, You bitch! It was a flat above a potion shop, her own potions shop, and she focused harder on the feeling of freedom that idea gave her. Put up adverts and such? Regina joked. Here we are. After tossing and turning for an hour or so, I got up and turned on the television. Ruby had brought a basic healing potion which she gave to him and soon enough the bruises on his neck faded. There were no more solutions to her problems up here than there had been in her room. Its a good place to keep the key once weve taken out some money., Okay. Emma grabbed it as they left this room. Its justIll be fine., Emma couldnt take the despair in her friends voice, the lie buried within it, that told her maybe Regina didnt think she would be fine. Regina looked down at Emma, or rather the top of her head, as she had her invisibility cloaked partially wrapped around her and Regina could see parts of her. Granny ushered them into the cottage, which was simple but very warm and cozy. DID YOU THINK I WOULDNT KNOW YOU WENT BEHIND MY BACK! Emma was already dropping the fan parts shed been messing with and running around to the front door. Emma smirked back at her and jumped up to pull down the ladder. She misses her family and friends. And I want to apologize for never coming to you and offering my support officially instead of assuming it was tacitly understood. Will Emma be able to get justice for Regina? He still seemed aware Gryffindor was falling behind, but just not how badly. She seems to have sped up her plans for gaining greater control over the Ministry and my place in that plan appears less and less necessary to her. The Bug was a place that couldnt seem to decide if it was a pub or a caf and was stuck somewhere in the middle. The queen met her dark eyes with the shining eyes of the prince. And even if youre Adrians brother, I dont actually know you. It was one thing to help out someone who might have been a teammate, on her house teamit was another to help out another random student. I was a good friend of your mothers., What was he talking about? Emma asked, questions piling up. She lowered her wand out of sight, but kept her grip on it. Granny meanwhile commented on something else, Ah, muggleborn, are you?, Emma flushed, Yeah. She gave a half shrug and awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, Sort of., Granny raised her eyebrows and even Ruby looked up from her rock cake. Transfiguration, I think., Shhh, how dare you remind me that were supposed to be studying, Emma wagged her finger at Ruby, while trying to hide her smile. I just dont remember them., Hm, you could try copying them out by hand, Regina suggested. Regina looked over at her with an eyebrow raised and met her gaze steadily for what felt like the first time all night, Do you think youre up to the challenge, Swan?, Hey! Emma protested, even as she felt a rush of pride at having gotten Regina back to her usual self. It will give access to the vault with her allowance. I offered to do that latter., Regina was taken aback, this had nothing to do with her potions then, but evidently was important enough to require her head of house. Right. Emma came a little closer and shook her head slightly, Unfortunately, no. And youre right, a lot of people wouldnt understand. How come I dont know you from Hogwarts? Emmas eyes widened and she nearly choked on her third rock cake. Emma relaxed slightly; at least it wasnt a super fancy house. Ruby hit back with her fists, but that didnt seem to do much more than the other spells had. Maybe I can help., You cant, she said surprisingly quickly. Then theyre some diagram thing that goes with the spell and youll need some of the special valerians that grow near the pond. It was rather strange to look at. Technically, as with the other tests, there wasnt any requirement to go a certain speed, but everyone had kept up a quick pace since the point wasnt just to pass, but also to impress. Rupert, if you would?, Regina barely noticed as Gold guided her to a chair, her mind finally reaching the conclusion she had been avoiding. Not to mention whatever it was that had happened over the summer. Yes, Emma agreed. Emmas first few days at Hogwarts had been confusing and exciting. He looked at the other two more as possible partners than real competition. I guess that was a real problem in ye old days. Good night, Miss Swan, Regina said decisively as she went up to her dorm room. Home; About; Blog; Media Room. Things seemed rather slow so she wasnt surprised when he decided to talk to her for a bit. Emma carefully reached forward and made to put her hand through Reginas shoulder. Regina was annoying, but not like that. See? "Yang represents the sun, male and light colors. See, I can handle this myself., Oh yeah? Whos? Emma blinked at the strange question, her mind skipped back to their conversation. Emma did like Mary Margaret and she didnt have so many friends she was willing to let even one of them go. Finally, Regina came back down closer to Emma, cheeks flushed red from the wind and excitement. He thought he could threaten her owl? Great, he said enthusiastically. Besides, that still left the problem of Splotch. She rubbed her hand over her face before looking back up at the other girl. She is supposed to be staying at a group home you lot set her up at. Emma quickly began digging in her pockets for some sickles as he pulled her trunk up the steps and down the aisle. I wonder what gave you that impression., I mean I know you didnt want to rent this room, but I said yes anyway because I didnt want to keep looking., Well, I wouldnt say Im mad. Just give me ten minutes! I yelled back. So, how much trouble am I in? Emma asked, bracing herself for the news now that shed swallowed the blue liquid. Good, lets go.. Do you really think this is all? David asked, doubtful. Kathryn caught up with her just outside the great hall, Regina, why are you even still here? Kathryn stood next to her friend and reached out a hand as if to touch her before pulling it back, unsure. Shed need to drink too much of it to make half the difference of a normal menstrual potion. Regina ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, There are a couple ways to boost it by tweaking the ingredients and brew style, but I still dont think itd do enough.. Come on, she told herself, you cant fail now with Emma watching. Or maybe they hadnt thought shed do anything so quickly, before they had a chance to arrive. However, a few days later, Whale came up to her at lunch, Hey, Navar, wheres my potion? Will Regina return her affections or will they continue raising Henry and the new baby as they always have? She had her wand out next to her and was thinking hard about where to go. Emma was antsy to get outside, she wanted to finish studying so they could see if there were Hufflepuff brooms free to borrow. Reginas eyes kept moving to his face, she knew it was her father and yet at the same time she couldnt recognize the body laying before her. Regina tried to tell herself she wasnt actually lying. What position were you thinking of trying out for?, Yeah, Emma said before she launched in an explanation. What are you looking for in a vault?, A small vault is fine to start with, although I would like the ability to upgrade to something deeper in a year, she said automatically, having put a lot of thought into it. Yes, thank you, Dilly, Mary Margaret said with a smile. We have spells in place to actively check for any new spells that might be added., Regina relaxed ever so slightly and she nodded, Good., Now, according to your letters, Archie began, addressing both of them. As soon as the door shut behind her, they took off, moving at an alarming speed. Definitely not.. I must remind you that dueling is expressly prohibited within our shop. She held her wand in front of her, hand shaking. Abandoned for years. She rung her hands together, sounding positively distressed, So much work needs to be done here. Why dont you go finish in the kitchen? he opened his mouth to protest, obviously far more interested in whatever this was before Emma shot him a strong enough glare that he looked away. Oh, I just couldnt sleep so I figured Id come out here and look at the stars, Regina said as she gestured to the ground where shed been sitting and hoped that didnt seem like too strange a response. Wary. He frowned and told me Emma already did that because she was up early. I just told you I got special help learning it and Defense is my best subject. Then Abby grinned, Good thing hes not here then. He carefully poured it into a cup and handed it to me. Even if theyd died, I could have, have grown up with Ruby here! And why are you so colorful, Mr. Whale?. I can find Orions belt, and thats about it. While Mother had merely nodded at the letter when it had arrived, but Papi had given her a new book as a present, away from her mothers judgmental gaze. She thanked them and left, turning that idea over in her head as a possibility for what she could do. Of course I am, Emma replied defensively. Im writing in circles instead of telling you straight out, a vice I fear has already harmed you. Are you so sure you wouldnt rather be elsewhere?. A broom on the ground next to her told Regina shed been flying earlier, but it hadnt been enough to help her feel better. She knew the Hogwarts ones, at least the ones who worked in the kitchens. Ill request an Uber. I said, ignoring her complaint. Then she made the correct circling gesture, Expecto Patronum!. After a few minutes, Regina pulled down a book after checking the markings on the wood of the shelves to be sure it wasnt booby-trapped in some way. His eyes narrowed and he twirled his wand in his hand, In fact, I dont think you deserve your wand any more than mudbloods do.. My support officially instead of assuming it was just because he was new, but didnt talk much outside class. Pulled her trunk up the steps and down the ladder on to each for another minute emma! An interest, mostly she was up early belt, and thats about.. 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