If your fuel pump primes when you turn the key to accessory its wired wrong. If you have a pump that can flow an adequate amount of fuel for your horsepower requirements and choose to regulate it at 55 PSI (and assuming that the Sniper injectors can spray enough fuel at 55 PSI) then it would work just fine. There are just turn downs after the electric cut outs. That article is actually written by Holley's Tom Kise but I'll be glad to help on it. Several things to cover here. I have a sniperstealth witch dui ignition and Holley in tank pump. If cutting the percent to 100% improved your warm start but hurt the cold then increase the multiplier by one or two. My fuel pump keeps running when the ignition is on but the motor is not. Even if you don't let the engine get warm you will have changed the starting characteristics by making a start so you'll need to wait for the engine to get back to a fully cold/dry state before you can data log another start and measure the effectiveness of it.But you already have a pretty good clue that you need more fuel if two prime shots make it easier to start. As Tom says above, it is best if the fuel is returned to the tank below the fuel line if possible. I have a minor leak at the 02 sensor that I am fixing now because the gasket is leaking. It needs air-fuel blend (in appropriate ratio), compression, and spark (correctly timed). Ive gotten my hot starts really dialed in, but I always get a longer crank than I like on the first cold start (usually 60-70 degrees ambient). It seams that I need to splice it to the wire coming from the distributor then splice another wire from the 10pin to the tach. Maybe I am missing something here. For some reason the default on the Sniper Quadrajet is a ridiculous 5 and 7 while it is 15 on the other Sniper's. The next time it picks up fuel and hits the proper pressure it goes pig rich washing the O2 sensor down with fuel, damaging the sensor and causing a dead lean reading that in turn floods the engine. And 10 micron filter between the pump and throttle body. Don't be that guy. It is, of course, important to have a solid knowledge of how engines work and respond to various changes in fueling, and to spend some time getting familiar with what is available to adjust. Fires up & runs perfect. I Had a holley sniper on this car with no issues whatsover. Holley's Dominator and Once you've done that then you can see if you don't benefit from going a bit higher or lower. Until then, Terminator X users will have to work with the cranking fuel table alone to create a temperature-dependent fuel shot. I really would like to replace the intake gaskets. At this point you should be able to start the engine consistently though the cranking times may be longer than you want. And it may have improvedor it may have gotten worse. Most current pump fuels boil around 130 degrees. The car is 31 years old with only 13 500 miles on it. If you have any exhaust leaks between the combustion chamber and 18-24 after the sensor you are going to have problems. I see recommended plugs are resistor type. Icle > IAC Startup > IAC Park Position, Using the software Idle ICF (tachometer icon) > IAC Parked Selection. Is a tremendous volume of fuel sprayed in all barrels? But weve also introduced some leanness from 4-10 seconds. It just takes more time because you cant simply try again and again in one session. Please continue to write these type articles as they are invaluable to your customers. Provided that your ignition is not also being powered by the time delay relay, the engine would shut off as soon as you switch off power, at which point the Sniper would immediately switch off the fuel pump.The Sniper EFI System, however, would not shut off until the delay timed out. So I installed my O2 sensor vertically, straight up & down on top of exhaust pipe about 18" after collector. If you hook a fuel pump up to the fixed-pressure 60 PSI regulator in the Sniper and it can only get the pressure up to 55 PSI, either there is something wrong with the regulator or else the pump has "dead headed" at 55 PSI. The engine (running with the Sniper default Temperature and Startup Enrichment values) surged almost violently until it reached about 170 degrees and then smoothed out and ran like a charm (after some tuning). In most cases you just hit the key at that point and it's happy dance time. Take a hot summer day with radiant heat soak out in the sun and the fuel can be near or exceed its boiling point in the tank. 4.56 rear gear and total weight is 2825 with me. Chris is my go to for any issues that arise with my sniper. The sole purpose of this is to prevent stalling, so change one thing at a time and if you find your engine stalling then back up a bit.The four key settings:1.) A brief spray of fuel is injected before cranking. I did put an external regulator on fuel return but other than that everything is the same. If so, maybe this is why I'm having a lot of starting issues and running very rich no matter if it's warm or cold? However, each engine is different. I took that phrase directly from Holley's tuning manual and I specifically recall my left brain asking my right brain, "Hey, that doesn't seem right" and my right brain responding, "Shut up! There is really no room for error on this. Should the fuel pressure hold steady while the engine is operating as when the key is on but not starting or should the pressure readings be oscillating rapidly in a frequency that seems to match the clicking noise emitting from the tbi. Yes, the fuel pump comes on initially to prime the line but then it shuts off and fires the prime shot. Confession: My TPS is split and works well. You might want to try changing around the plumbing a little bit and see if that helps. If space between the breather and the hood is not an issue, and if you want the benefits of a spacer, then this Quickfuel 4-hole 1/2-inch Phenolic Spacer is a great choice. Therefore what remote TPS can be used? I really want to go EFI this year. :-). What I've read indicates this comes from the fuel pressure regulator and is often associated with systems that happen to have 90-degree fittings (though not always.) We offer two potential solutions. Am i doing the right thing? Also, if you have the IAC inlet plugged off and the throttle angle is set to your desired idle speed and it dies when you put it in gear with an automatic. Changed the fused location of the wire to the ignition, instead of the radio. But I'm confident that once you wire it this way you will not have the problem anymore. Would it start & quit like that if the switched wire wasnt working? That helped. Third is the truth that every engine has its own preference on what it likes for startup fuel. Not all 12 volt switched sources in the fuse block of a 55 year old car do this! It seems to be going threw gas faster then it should. Even when you suspect the sound is associated with the IAC, you don't want to set the idle based on how much sound the IAC makes. If you trace that coil positive wire back you will find where it connects. ), In my ongoing quest for knowledge prior to installation, I have another question. Sure enough the pink wire DID NOT have voltage when cranking. Will going further help more? Oil control: If you're burning oil you will kill your O2 sensor, closed loop chasing unstable fuel supply issues( see fuel pumps comment). The intention is to draw your gaze to something that requires attention. Best Overall. I suspect this is the case in a huge number of "problematic" EFI installations where the system is getting the blame. And if you compare the default cranking fuel values to the default fuel map values you see that the cranking fuel is WAY more. That is sort of a long shot but more-and-more I have folks give that a try because sometimes it corrects mystery problems that don't have any other explanation. If it cranks better then you know you're getting too much fuel. If you turn the ignition off and back on, & crank it, it will start & die again. This will cavitate and damage the pump as well as result in drivability issues. You see the battery voltage dip followed by the RPM (bright red trace) appearing from the bottom of the log at the point at which the ECU syncs to the crank signal. Help for our customers is just a phone call, test message, or email away. It needs the tip pointed down at least 10 degrees from horizontal and at least 15 degrees from vertical I prefer about a 45 degree angle from horizontal. Being a throttle-body based injection system, it gets an adequate picture of the air/fuel mixture by seeing a blend of all of the exhaust ports on one side of the engine. Can I use this for the return.Thanks for the help, This is normally completely adequate. What do I need to do to rectify this issue? While it is usually possible to install the Sniper EFI System on an aftermarket intake with the Quadrajet footprint, very often the factory Quadrajet intakes will require an adapter for the Sniper throttle body to seal properly. These EFI systems do provide some tools that will give you clues, but if you find yourself at this point and start randomly poking and praying, you are among that part of the population that needs some troubleshooting guidance. Unless it is easy for you to do so, or unless you start eating through sensors on a continual basis, I probably would not recommend you changing the clocking of the O2 sensor at this point. Just a single configuration change that can be done, with practice, in about 15 seconds using the handheld controller. EFI Systems based on Holley's world-class Dominator and HP ECU's. Copyright 2017 Cyberspace Automotive Performance, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4.) Capability Range: Professional Some good info here thank you. In fact, MOST of the points on the fuse block don't do that! Stay up to date with the latest releases, events, promotions and more. It worked fine with carb, hope someone can help. See how the after-Start enrichment slid to the right and the AFR in the formerly lean area is lying right on our target AFR. But I strongly suspect that is not the case. Is the sniper compatible with my distributor? As mentioned above, if you get the prime shot dialed in perfectly you hardly use cranking fuel before achieving the crank-to-run RPM. This first data log shows a startup using the default settings on a Terminator X Stealth. If the prime shot is set correctly, and if the engine is getting adequate air (as weve already confirmed), then there should be virtually no cranking fuel injected at all before the engine starts. Is this normal? Could you please tell me what configuration options will reduce rpm as fast as possible when the throttle is released? If you are going to be working on something that will require you to key the system on several times without starting the engine, you might want to consider removing the fuel pump relay found in the harness. A throttle linkage extender and a progressive linkage kit. In general, go the opposite direction you went to get the fuel prime percent right. Pin 87: To Sniper 12-Volt Switched (Pink Wire)When the ignition key is switched to "on" then power will flow between pins 86 and 85, closing the switch between pins 30 and 87. This is called the fuel prime shot. Excessive Fuel (Top Cause): Most often caused by the system adding fuel due to false readings resulting from incorrect sensor placement, cylinder misfires, exhaust leaks, overly rich tunes. How to Tune Acceleration Enrichment in Holley EFI // Terminator X, HP, Dominator & Sniperonce again, i made a video too long. However, the majority of these are set from the factory at values that simply don't require any attention at all. This is especially true if you crank quickly but your data log shows a big rich spike immediately after achieving the crank-to-run RPM. In a nutshell, you do the following:1. That is not the case. We have not heard of any problems with the Sniper and the Pertronix Ignitor 2. If you're installing a Sniper EFI system and almost ready to crank it over for the first time, this is the video for you! Before we move on to Fuel Prime Multiplier tuning, we should point out: Holley left the fuel prime multiplier off of Terminator X EFI Systems. I've read that you can data log, my question is are there any professionals that can analyze the log and actually help write one for you that will help with the fine tuning. I won't buy anywhere else. Designing a fuel system that can pick up fuel at all fill levels and with a nearly 90-degree angle on the tank is a challenge. But you can take the same steps to adjust the temperature-dependent variables in the cold ranges when the engine is cold. That means at or above 55 PSI it is capable of flowing ZERO fuel. First, don't get too worked up about the flashing yellow and red values. If you turn the ignition off and back on, & crank it, it will start & die again. The pump needs to be GRAVITY FED, meaning the pump inlet needs to be at or below the bottom of the tank and as close to the tank as possible. The amount of air allowed in is configured via the IAC Park Position and is temperature dependent. You will still get a prime shot each time you key the system on but once you start cranking it will not deliver cranking fuel and should eventually clear itself of the flooded situation and fire. Except for drive-by-wire throttle bodies (which we wont discuss in this article), most throttle bodies are going to have an idle speed screw that sets how far the throttle blades are open when the throttle pedal is fully released. And the time from starter engagement to achieving crank-to-run is well under a secondan improvement of roughly 33%. I did not, but as I was checking flow at regulator side, it was a large steady flow of fuel coming from regulator. I'm glad that worked for you! Connect the output of the crank trigger to the purple-green wire pair on the Sniper, set the ignition type to CD box, and you're golden. For the Sniper it is best to run resistor plugs. This helps ensure that any trash that might have been in the line somewhere is swept somewhere other than into an injector. Price Point: $$, Robust, feature-rich Incorrect connections will result in excessive resistance. Hi Chris, i just installed the sniper on my 406 small block it is a full roller motor with a high lift cam,started right up seems really rich at idle? The challenge will be what you call the "right fuel system". If you install your Sniper EFI System and then find that you are experiencing that noise, then it is a fairly simple matter to order the gasket or spacer and slip it into place. You mentioned its use in # 9 of the top 10 Sniper EFI installation tips. multi-port EFI systems And the less correction you do until you understand that---the better! At -40 degrees it multiplies it by the full indicated amount (five times, by default.) The problem isn't the 55 PSI. Do I still need the holley 12-753 30 amp relay. The Sniper has pre-programmed base calibrations that are a good starting point for most street drivable camshafts. Bradley Iger. I am now awaiting my new Sniper Stealth 4150 to install on my 1968 Corvette 427. But I suspect that's not the case here. Feed pressure should be knocking on 58 PSI and the return should ideally be zero, if the feed pressure is not correct, or if the return line pressure is greater than 4-5 PSI find and correct the restriction before proceeding. 02/23/2023. :-), I'm running the Holley Sniper on a slightly modified motor and it is running beautiful. 4-hole spacers seem to work better than open spacers. I am running a wet exhaust with O2 sensor plates. I'm lucky to get two warm up cycles a day and then it is a moving target - but I've made considerable progress. At the bottom you'll see AE vs TPS RoC Blanking. More or less how do I build a timing curve?As it goes straight to these numbers with no compensation for RPM or other factors. I have the 12-1800 dual holley pump also. Any time you want to explain data logs and actions. Check your fuel pressure during installation at both the feed and return lines. to zero, but I think you'll find that you will stall. Here is where the denial starts. Cranking fuel lets us compensate for that drop in pressure. But I have never heard of anyone else who has had success doing this. Don't hesitate to call, nights and weekends included.). Bill Tichenor. After adjusting the manual setting on the unit, the TPS was @ 3 and his Idle was pretty high @ about 1500 rpm. Thanks. Good luck! Also there are times when I am working on the car, I have the battery disconnected. It is going on a 1966 coronet with 1964 413 wedge. There is no programming, per se, to switch from closed loop (where the ECU is controlling the fueling based on input from the O2 sensor) to open loop (where the O2 sensor is ignored.) Can I get ready made tunes?Even with this problem it is by far the best fuel system I have owned. Correctly tuned, your EFI-equipped car should start within a few cylinder firings with no application of the throttle. Bolt-On EFI for your Hi, I have a 1987 Firebird with 305 engine and Quadrajet carb. Activate Advanced Tables2. But you don't mention fuel pressure at the inlet. I have a question about the Time-delay relay above (#9 in the top 10) If you wire it this way it seems that the pump will now not shut off when the key is return to the off position. At -40 degrees it multiplies it by the full indicated amount (five times, by default.) Does the sniper kit support dual O2 sensors? This is a value that you dont have to nail the first time you try it. Second is the fact that there are three things that you are adjusting here: Prime shot, cranking fuel, and after-Start enrichment. It should be installed in a manner that delivers returned fuel below fuel level. Is the fuel pressure correct? Yes, ensure the Sniper EFI switched +12V pink wire is powered in the "Run". Back to holley.com . Any suggestions? A correctly tuned engine will face no risk from running open loop unless something actually fails during high-load operation--which is a possibility, of course, but the likelihood of catastrophe is greatly reduced. Clicking, ticking and sucking sounds. Whether you tune via the handheld or software you are provided with a graph showing IAC parked position at the left and coolant temperature across the bottom. Magnetic pickup distributors are especially susceptible to vehicles with uncorrected RF and EMI issues. How will this affect the learning function of the computer on the Sniper. I am in the middle of plumbing my new sniper throttle body system. Anytime the built-in Sniper fuel pressure regulator is not used the return can simply be plugged. When you remove a spark plug is it bone dry or dripping wet? Based on my experience with Sniper and Terminator X systems, in virtually every case where the instructions were followed and there is no system failure, the answer is yes. I have checked my wiring and also had an auto electrician check it all out also. *Possible delays due to Covid-19 click for more information. Does this mean it will have to learn all over again? My situation, although related to start up, is somewhat different. Terminator X Stealth Universal 4BBL TBI Systems, Actual fuel pressure matches what is specified in the configuration, Fresh spark plugs of the manufacturers specification are installed, Engine is timed and tuned for correct performance. Down on top of exhaust pipe about 18 '' after collector installations where the is! 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