NOAA Fisheries works to conserve the species through various efforts, including working to minimize harassment and illegal feeding, reduce interactions with fishing gear and oversee their health. Cystophora cristata, hooded seal Though a complete population count of elephant seals is not possible because all age classes are not ashore at the same time, a 2005 study of the California breeding stock estimated approximately 124,000 individuals. Photo credit: Marine Mammals of Maine. Leopard seals inhabit Antarctic pack ice but can also be found in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, and other Southern Hemisphere locations. Males form harems usually when they are 9 to 10 years of age, battling other males for control. The largest known specimens were more than 20ft . By using their front flippers, sea lions are easily the fastest group of pinnipeds. How a zoo break-in changed the life of an owl called Flaco, Naked mole rats are fertile until they die, study finds. [11] The vibrissae are connected to blood vessels, nerves, and muscles making them an important sensing tool. Northern elephant seal pups are black until they are weaned at about 6 weeks old, and they molt and turn light silver. DeSantis won't say he's running. The great white is found in all major oceans and sits and the top of the food chain. Vessel Strikes, Alaska, They have large sinuses in their abdomens to hold blood and can also store oxygen in their muscles with increased myoglobin concentrations in muscle. (See diagram on the left). Adults return to land between March and August to molt, with males returning later than females. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. ELEPHANT SEAL VS WALRUS - Who would win this deadly struggle? Pagophilus groenlandicus, harp seal Monachinae Otariinae/Arctocephalinae Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. Phocina Rookery of Elephant Seals sunning closely together If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Southern elephant seals breed on land but spend their winters in the frigid Antarctic waters near the Antarctic pack ice. Thankfully, Coolio received a new lease on life at the Pittsburg Zoo & PPG Aquarium, where he now helps educate the public. Though both male and female elephant seals spend time at sea, their migration routes and feeding habits differ: Males follow a more consistent route while females vary their routes in pursuit of moving prey. I'm a Galapagos sea lion. On average, the southern elephant seal tends to be larger than the northern species. [11] When it comes time to molt, they will haul out on land to shed their outer layer, and will not consume any food during this time. Another difference between a walrus vs elephant seal is their overall life span. They are in the family Phocidae. Northern elephant seals spend about 9 months of the year in the ocean. Northern elephant seals on Piedras Blancas beach, near San Simeon, California, Northern elephant seal male, female and pup, Northern elephant seals during molting season at Piedras Blancas beach, near San Simeon, California, Two northern elephant seal bulls fighting, Dominant southern elephant seal bulls fighting at Macquarie Island, Northern elephant seals at Piedras Blancas, California, "Sea elephant" redirects here. After the breeding season in February and March, they head out to sea for two months before returning to their colony, which is known as a rookery, to moult. Published August 6, 2003. A single adult male will protect a harem of 40 or 50 females, and he will breed with them all. Meanwhile, southern elephant seals live in sub-Antarctic and Antarctic waters. For example, walruses average anywhere from 7-12 feet long and weigh 800-4,000 pounds, while elephant seals average 10-16 feet long and can weigh 2,000-6,000 pounds! Most pinnipeds cruise at speeds around 5 to 15 knots, though sea lions sometimes reach bursts up . These seals can dive for about 30 minutes and even sleep under the water. All Rights Reserved. Out of all the animals that have ever lived on earth, the brain of the elephant is the largest known. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. benefit analysis of aggressive behaviour in animals and humans. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. Upper image: Photographer - Michal Utin. I am a non-binary freelance writer working full-time in Oregon. Elephant seals exhibit sexual dimorphism - a systematic difference in form between individuals of opposite sex of the same species. [26] Most adult females breed each year. Mirounga leonina, southern elephant seal Pinnipeds are carnivorous marine mammals with fin-like limbs. [11] In return, the beta bull might have an opportunity to mate with one of the females while the alpha is occupied. Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) live in sub-Antarctic and Antarctic waters that feature brutally cold conditions but are rich in the fish, squid, and other marine foods these seals enjoy. In both sexes, the body is long and robust, and the neck very thick. These seals spend their winter foraging in the Antarctic pack ice, and come ashore on sub-Antarctic islands to breed. All rights reserved. Northern elephant seals' diet primarily consists of squid and fishes, but they also consume rays and sharks. The death of a British marine biologist in Antarctica last month is thought to be the first human fatality caused by a leopard seal ( Hydrurga leptonyx . Elephant seals rarely cross paths with humans but when they do they can really throw their weight aroundSubscribe to BBC Earth: Earth YouTube Channel: Earth Facebook (ex-UK only)BBC Earth Twitter for all the latest animal news and wildlife videosThis is a commercial channel from BBC Studios. The relative ancestry between different pinnipeds is still uncertain, but they all are thought to be descendants of bear-like animals [17]. The Southern elephant seal species prefers chilly sub-Antarctic and Antarctic waters. The 'extreme cruelty' around the global trade in frog legs, What does cancer smell like? Psychol.11 . Adults return to their feeding areas again between the spring/summer molt and the winter breeding season. The two creatures may indeed meet in the wild, but it is less common than you may think. Northern elephant seals were very heavily hunted for their oil-rich blubber, and came quite close to extinction. [11], By the time females arrive, each dominating male has already established his territory on the beach. Breeding colonies in the north include the beaches of California and Baja California. Elephant seals are considered true seals and are characterized by having no external ear and reduced limbs. Both species spend most of their lives at sea and return to land to breed and molt. I have earflaps. [11] Cookie cutter sharks can take bites from their skin. [12] Adult male elephant seals belonging to the northern species tend to have a larger proboscis, and thick chest area with a red coloration compared to the southern species. Arctocephalus forsteri, New Zealand fur seal The average lifespan of a northern elephant seal is 9 years, while the average lifespan of a southern elephant seal is 21 years. Erignathus barbatus, bearded seal On the other hand, males can adopt a riskier strategy in the hopes of gaining as much mass as possible, and thus being able to have one extremely successful breeding season. In the case of a male elephant seal . [12] Females do not have the large proboscis and can be distinguished between species by looking at their nose characteristics. Northern elephant seal. [9], Elephant seals are marine mammals classified under the order Pinnipedia, which, in Latin, means feather- or fin-footed. A Wild Ride in the Zoo and Aquarium Field,, Building Bridges and Connecting Communities through Conservation, Using Drones to Assess Worlds Largest Mass Gathering of Giant River Turtles, Q&A with Soul of the Ocean Filmmaker Howard Hall. Lets talk more about what this means now. Social vs. medical egg freezing: Whats the difference? The videos above show how a highly trained free-diver compares in breath-holding ability to a common seal. When it comes to scratching, it's the opposite, true seals use their fore flippers while sea lions use their rear flippers. There are eight different disciplines - six competition disciplines, and two that free-diver Adam Drzgaza, the free-diver who features in the video above, explains are "just for records or for fun". After an initially lower state, it rises to over 50% milkfat (human breast milk is about 4% milkfat, and cow milk is about 3.5% milkfat). [27] Annual survival probability of adult females is 0.83 for experienced breeding females, but only 0.66 for first-time breeders indicating a significant cost of reproduction. The elephant seal is an immense animal, with the smallest adult female weighing in at an average of 1,500 pounds! By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Follow us on Instagram at @natgeoyourshot or visit us at for the latest submissions and news about the community. Northern elephant seals are large and imposing, with significant differences in size and shape between sexes (sexual dimorphism). In addition, they have a larger proportion of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Phoca vitulina, harbor seal, Icelandic specimen elephant seal. The history of life: looking at the patterns, Pacing, diversity, complexity, and trends, Alignment with the Next Generation Science Standards, Information on controversies in the public arena relating to evolution. The females can be seen out of the water when they come on to land to have their pups and the curious mammals' heads can often be spotted poking out of the water. Pinnipeds include "true seals", sea lions, fur seals and walruses. We do not collect or store your personal information, and we do not track your preferences or activity on this site. A recent study by US scientists revealed that beaked whale populations are in decline. [27] More male pups are produced than female pups in years with warmer sea surface temperature in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Elephant seals have a very large volume of blood, allowing them to hold a large amount of oxygen for use when diving. The smaller seal is an adult female and the much larger one with the trunk-like nose is an adult male. [11] The reduction of their limbs helps them be more streamlined and move easily in the water. Northern elephant seals are polygynous breeders with a social hierarchy. There is a notable difference in lifespan between males and females. Northern elephant seals diet primarily consists of squid and fishes, but they also consume rays and sharks. Phocarctos hookeri, Hooker's sea lion As of 2018, there is only one known elephant seal held in human care. Last updated by NOAA Fisheries on 04/19/2022. Snapping turtles, wombats, saltwater crocodiles, and many more check out the comparison photos revealing the true size of animals in the gallery below! No external ear flaps, just a hole where the ear is, Rear flippers point directly behind them, and they move by undulating their way across land, Rear flippers can be rotated underneath them, allowing them to walk on land, Propel forward in the water using their hind flippers, steer with short front flippers, Propel forward in the water using their long front flippers, steer with hind flippers. [11] Also, elephant seals have the ability to fast for long periods of time while breeding or molting. Leptonychotes weddelli, Weddell seal Southern elephants are the largest of all seals. Females give birth to a single pup each year after an 11-month pregnancy. Pinnipeds are carnivorous marine mammals with fin-like limbs. Class: | Mammalia Sources: NOAA Fisheries, California Departments of Parks and Rec, and Australian Antarctic Program. Their hair and outer layers of skin molt in large patches. - YouTube 0:00 / 10:01 Intro ELEPHANT SEAL VS WALRUS - Who would win this deadly struggle? [2][5][6], Elephant seals breed annually and are seemingly habitual to colonies that have established breeding areas. To find food, these mammals migrate and often spend months at sea, diving at great depths. Adult males usually dive deeper than . Male elephant seals are much larger than the females and have a trunk-like nose, from which the species gets its name. Seals are generally polygamous and depending on the group size, . The northern elephant seal is yellowish or gray-brown, and the southern is blue-gray. They breathe air like humans and other mammals, reptiles and birds, but they spend most of their time at sea. Halichoerus grypus (Phoca grypa), grey seal [11] The new pups will spend up to 10 additional weeks on land learning how to swim and dive.[11]. After an 11-month pregnancy, a female gives birth to a single pup in late winter. This pup will nurse for just one month before being weaned. Sexual dimorphism is one way that living things economize on the use of available resources. A final difference between a walrus vs elephant seal is their reproduction habits and gestation periods. For the next 10 weeks of their lives, new pups learn how to swim and dive while living on land. Breeding occurs from December to March, and gestation lasts around 11 months. Their population has since rebounded to over 30,000 but their genes still carry the marks Northern elephant seals spend about 9 months of the year in the ocean. Note that elephant seals spend most of their time away from these areas while foraging during the rest of the year. Service \u0026 Feedback Sure, we know that animals like lions or moose are pretty big and weve all have seen pictures ofthem before,however, its hard to understand their true size without having anything to compare them with. The Northern elephant seal species is found from the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California. Monachus schauinslandi, Hawaiian monk seal In both species, male elephant seals can weigh up to 10 times more than females. Elephant seals are the largest of the true seals. At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. Which travel companies promote harmful wildlife activities? Determining the number of northern elephant seals in each populationand whether a stock is increasing or decreasing over timehelps resource managers assess the success of enacted conservation measures. Overall, the two species are quite similar in appearance and behavior, although southern elephant seals are larger in size, have an even wider proboscis, and can dive deeper than their northern counterparts. Huntington's chorea: Evolution and genetic disease. Erignathini In Mexico, the northern elephant seal is protected in the Guadalupe Island Biosphere Reserve where it was rediscovered after being believed to be extinct. Both of these creatures are much better suited for life in the water when compared to life on land. While females vary their routes in pursuit of moving prey, males follow a more consistent route. 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During this time the male must spend all his time defending his harem against rival males, and will not eat through the entire breeding season. This is one of 21 species in the beaked whale group. [10] However, it makes navigating on land more difficult because they cannot turn their hind flippers forward to walk like the otariids. An introduction to evolution: what is evolution and how does it work? Research has shown that they spend almost three-quarters of their time diving and hunting. Histriophocina Heres why each season begins twice. Why wetlands are so critical for life on Earth, Rest in compost? Scientists from the University of Liverpool have published research that explains how marine mammals, including seals and whales, hold their breath for so long. Callorhinus ursinus, northern fur seal A recent tracking study of adult female elephant. Lystrosaurus was one of the few terrestial species that survived the permian extinction. Continue with Recommended Cookies. 2023 BBC. All adult leopard seals have a total of 38 teeth. Elephant seals do not have tusks, while walruses always do. When you think of seals, a moon-faced, snow white harp seal pup may come to mind. They employ these different strategies because females are smaller, requiring less food, and it is also most important for them to have as many breeding seasons as possible in order to maximize reproductive success. "You can almost say how deep you are, even with your eyes closed.". Adult males may grow to over 13 feet in length and weigh up to 5,000 pounds while females are smaller, growing up to 10 feet and weighing up to . There are two species of elephant seals: northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) and southern and southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina). [34] The animal is protected in most countries where it lives. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Lobodon carcinophagus, crabeater seal The primary difference between a walrus vs elephant seal has to do with their location and genus classification. Elephant seals are larger in every way when compared to walruses, which may come as a surprise to you. [11], Milk produced by elephant seals is remarkably high in milkfat compared to other mammals. Dr Michael Berenbrink from the University of Liverpool said: "It would be interesting to study them. Walruses are members of the Odobenus genus and elephant seals are members of the Mirounga genus. Some encounters end with roaring and aggressive posturing, but many others turn into violent and bloody battles. Inadvertent vessel strikes can injure or kill seals. The IUCN lists both species of elephant seal as being of least concern, although they are still threatened by entanglement in marine debris, fishery interactions, and boat collisions. They come ashore to breed on sub-Antarctic islands. Elephant seals were aggressively hunted for their oil, and their numbers were once reduced to the brink of extinction. Females generally live for about 19 years, while males only live for about 13 years. - and he did! But these massive pinnipeds aren't called elephant seals because of their size.. That's 18 teeth on the top and 20 on the bottom. [13] The bull's proboscis is used in producing extraordinarily loud roaring noises, especially during the mating season. When molting occurs, they shed their short, dense fur along with large patches of old skin. Their body is covered in blubber, which helps them keep warm and reduce drag while they are swimming. Human activities like pollution, habitat degradation, and climate change also threaten both species. This is an incredibly important distinction between these two animals, as a mother walrus can be particularly dangerous if she feels that her baby is threatened. [28], Females and males utilize different feeding strategies in order to maximize their reproductive success. Phoca largha, largha seal And in general, true seals have more blubber and are more streamlined. Given how large both of these creatures are, they have very few natural predators in the wild. Scientists in our Marine Mammal Laboratory conduct wide-ranging research on the biology, life history, and health of northern elephant seals including: Learn about our northern elephant seal research, Entanglement in Fishing Gear, [10], Their body is covered in blubber, which helps them keep warm and reduce drag while they are swimming. Elephant seals spend up to 80% of their lives in the ocean. Seal Week 2022: Celebrating Pinniped Science and Conservation. "The contribution of nasal countercurrent heat exchange to water balance in the northern elephant seal, "Southern Elephant Seals of Sea Lion Island A Long-term Research Project", "First long-term behavioral records from Cuvier's beaked whales (, "Census of Marine Life From the Edge of Darkness to the Black Abyss", "Foraging behavior and success of a mesopelagic predator in the northeast Pacific Ocean: insights from a data-rich species, the northern elephant seal", "Effects of environmental variability and breeding experience on northern elephant seal demography", "North Pacific Climate Mediates Offspring Sex Ratio in Northern Elephant Seals", "Trade-offs between foraging reward and mortality risk drive sex-specific foraging strategies in sexually dimorphic northern elephant seals", "Cleaner birds: an overview for the Neotropics", "Feral cats steal milk from northern Elephant Seals", "Antarctica's Milk-Stealing, Grudge-Holding Seabirds", "NORTHERN ELEPHANT SEAL (Mirounga angustirostris): California Breeding Stock", Tagging of Pacific Predators, Elephant Seals, Teen Spots Hagfish-Slurping Elephant Seal YouTube,, This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 13:12. It is used to produce loud roaring noises, especially during the mating season. [11][24] By the time males reach eight to nine years of age, they have developed a pronounced long nose, in addition to a chest shield, which is thickened skin in their chest area. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Elephant seals have a distinct nose that is unlike any other, and walruses do not have this feature. The genus name Mirounga originates from an old Australian Aboriginal name for elephant seals, miouroung. One human factor that has been partially blamed for their decline is the threat posted by naval sonar tests, as well as increasing levels of other human-generated noise from commercial vessels in the oceans. Please be respectful of copyright. As females arrive, males collect a harem of 40 to 50 females. They move like an inchworm by pulling their heavy bodies forward with strong front flippers. This size makes the elephant seal a very impractical pet. Internet Explorer lacks support for the features of this website. Elephant seals migrate in search of food, spending months at sea and often diving deep to forage. Walruses are covered in a tough skin with sparse coarse hair, while elephant seals have a thin layer of brown or gray hair covering their entire body. They return to their rookeries in winter to breed and give birth. Elephant seals are very large, oceangoing earless seals in the genus Mirounga. [4] It feeds on a wide range of prey including cephalopods, other pinnipeds, krill, fish, and birds, particularly penguins. [10] The structure of the inner ear helps amplify incoming sounds, and allows these seals to have good directional hearing due to the isolation of the inner ear. [11] Male elephant seals use fighting, vocalisations, and different positions to determine the dominant males. The southern elephant seal is a true seal and is the largest pinniped (seal or sea lion) and carnivoran (hairy carnivore) in the world. But elephant seals can intimidate them with their massive size. The female elephant seals and the male elephant seals have different hunting routines. The northern elephant seal, somewhat smaller than its southern relative, ranges over the Pacific coast of the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Targeted management actions taken to protect these seals include: Our research projects have discovered new aspects of northern elephant seal biology, behavior, and ecology and have helped us better understand the challenges that all elephant seals face. Fully grown males can reach lengths of over 13 feet and can weigh nearly 4,400 pounds. [11] Sexual dimorphism is extreme, with male elephant seals weighing up to 10 times more than females,[12] and having a prominent proboscis. Female elephant seals give birth to a single pup after an 11-month gestation. Phocinae, northern true seals The large size of elephant seals likely has something to do with their shorter life span, but these creatures are also less likely to defend themselves when compared to walruses. Additionally, true seals swim by using rear flippers while sea lions swim by using their fore flippers. [19][20][21] The average depth of their dives is about 300 to 600m (1,000 to 2,000ft), typically for around 20minutes for females and 60minutes for males, as they search for their favorite foods, which are skates, rays, squid, octopuses, eels, small sharks and large fish. [7], John Edward Gray established the genus Mirounga in 1827. Elephant seals were once hunted for their oil to the point where they were pushed to the brink of extinction. That begs the question, if humans are outranked by animals such as elephants, why are we the self-proclaimed . The Bajau people of South-East Asia live in stilt houses and fish underwater for up to five minutes on one breath. These animals can sniff it out. Threats such as disease, contaminants,and entanglement. In May 2012, a German free-diver named Tom Sietas remained submerged holding his breath for more than 22 minutes. [11], Elephant seals have a helpful feature in their bodies known as the countercurrent heat exchanger to help conserve energy and prevent heat loss. A Polar Bear can barely get through the hide and blubber of a bull walrus, which is half the size of a Northern Elephant Seal, the size of a White Rhino, and three times smaller than a Southern Elephant Seal, the size of an African Forest Elephant. They tend to remain loyal to their colony, returning to their established breeding area each year. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, published research that explains how marine mammals, including seals and whales, hold their breath for so long, Research has shown that they spend almost three-quarters of their time diving and hunting, A tracking study using digital tags that was carried out in 2010, Cuvier's beaked whales diving to nearly 2km and staying down for 85 minutes. Streamlined and move easily in the northeastern Pacific ocean an owl called Flaco, Naked mole rats are until! This site returning later than females them with their massive size easily the fastest group of.!, battling other males for control pup may come as a surprise to you weddelli Weddell! 10 weeks of their lives in the Antarctic pack ice, and he will with! [ 17 ] of California and Baja California more consistent route seals by! Patches elephant seal size vs human old skin analysis of aggressive behaviour in animals and humans mammals classified the! 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