Classification ( Regular ( Short Hour ( Per Diem Average Number of Hours Worked Per Week____________________________________ (Use Verification of Hours Paid form if needed) (It is the nurses responsibility to notify the Facility Selection Committee if hours drop below 24 hours) RN clinical nursing experience (See minimum qualifications) Most Recent Listed First * (Include at least the last 5 years). The context of the incident (e.g., shift, time of day, staff resources), What you were thinking about as it was taking place, What you were feeling during and after the incident. No one expects perfection, but charge nurses should not try to cover up their mistakes. This nurse stepped back and stated, Im afraid to push his loose teeth down this throat or even worse make his fracture worse. I was also able to be a confident and caring advocate for her 3 day old daughter as well, as the best care for the baby would be a healthy mother. The narrowing of an artery caused by building up of plague and its rupture leads to clot formation also. As the anesthesiologist focused on maintaining the patients stability, he required my help and undivided attention to facilitate therapeutic regimen management. I explained to Mrs. C. that her symptoms may be related to her heart. F I explained everything to the charge nurse and requested that a one-time exception to the policy of no overnight guests be made. C) The nurse witnessed the consent. She takes 4 or 5 Tums, drinks plenty of water and she goes to sleep. hallucinations, and grossly disordered thinking and behavior I used calm, clear communication, while at the same time expertly navigating through CIPS, triaging her and listening to her history. problems and intervene early to prevent life-threatening I knew that it was going to be a long day but I love doing urology cases after all. In no time we were able to position the patient taking into consideration that he was well supported and padded. changes in its internal or external environment that disrupt its She stated she wanted to try an Ibuprofen first and was going to call afterwards if the HA did not get better. It had become evident that the family was becoming overwhelmed with his care and the MSW worked with the family to get care giving for four to six hours per day. I treat every call I take with responsibility, professionalism, kindness and compassion. I was glad that I didnt get off on time for lunch that day. In many units, the charge nurse monitors patient care, administers resources, schedules nursing staff, and assigns patients. First, to ask if I may enter out of common courtesy and build trust, and second to do that doorway assessment in which I as a nurse, look for condition of the room- is it a mess from him or compulsively neat, the patients physical appearance of being clean, disheveled, clothing on incorrectly, etc, the physical appearance of skin diaphoretic, dry, redness, lacerations, bandages, etc, the patients breathing, fast, slow, rhythmic, deep, shallow, tripoding, etc, eye contact, good, poor, focused on one item, etc, and a variety of other clues to help with the overall assessment. A self-evaluation is a tool used to reflect on your current professional practice and progression to date. This nurse not only interprets the patients physiological responses to care, but also the psychological and cultural responses. The Diagnostic and monitoring function was displayed when I had the foresight to see the extent of the patients injury, and anticipate the deterioration of the pats condition. This nurse knows when to work with and through another person to achieve positive outcomes, when negotiating solutions with other, the Staff Nurse III is able to provide a rationale for recommendations and past actions. A brief narrative describing your role in the projects/programs, or sample, time involved, class objectives (if appropriate), audience and results should accompany your portfolio. This special knowledge base allows me to recognize subtle changes in my patients that otherwise might be missed. She told me she lives 10 minutes from the hospital. I got a verbal order to place an NG tube and begin the feedings. (Norris & Tuan, 2020), Assessment Assessment is the systematic and continuous collection, analysis, I was able to preserve this mans sense of dignity and personhood through my expertise and presence. Attend a Facility Selection Committee meeting for interview, presentation of exemplars, and clarification of portfolio if needed. He surely did not have his Mr. P smile and he was just not right. At all times, the Staff Nurse III behaves professionally and assertively with an unquestionable commitment to every patient. b) Teaching Coaching Function- Assisting patient to integrate the implications of illness into their life styleThe teaching needed for a family to manage this acuity at home is tremendous. (Taylor et al., 2019), Spirituality is anything that pertains to a persons relationship with a This infusion, as with any, required much long range planning before the infusion could be started. It describes in detail a particular clinical situation that includes the nurses thoughts, feeling, intentions actions, critical thinking and Cognition Cognition is the brains ability to process, retain, and use Her faith got her through the news, after her anesthesia wore off. Impending shock was inevitable. I gather all my data and in my SBAR presentation I described her symptoms and I emphasized that women at her age and menopausal, can have atypical chest pain. life and the meaning of death). These imbalances can be respiratory or metabolic Later she wakes up again with the same burning, drinks more water and goes to the bathroom to urinate. When needed, this nurse calls in members of the multidisciplinary team to assist in providing individualized patient-directed care. She told me that she is calling because of the burning in the mouth of her stomach. Not sure what was causing this pain Dr. S called the hospitalist to arrange for Mr. Ps admission. identified by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008): Discover potential problems that may arise if the rule is approved. Mrs. S. was comfortable with me and had confidence in my expertise and judgment. WebABOUT YOU To join us as a Charge Nurse youll need to be a Registered Nurse with a current NMC registration and supervision qualification. With that promise I agree to make their experiences unique and safe. I told her I would wait on the line while she called him, so I made sure she got to the ER safe. Organization and Work-Role Competencies I built a therapeutic relationship with the facility charge nurse and advocated for the family. Nominations to the committee to fill vacancies will be made by the Staff Nurse III and IV and Home Health Nurse peers. X-RAY prior to the Endoctracheal Tube placement didnt show a bullet lodged anywhere in the facial region. 5. Three letters of recommendation dated within the last 12 months RN peer familiar with the applicant's practice Nursing supervisor familiar with the applicant's practice Health Team member (MD, PT, Social Worker, etc.) Sometimes conferencing with CCMD might change their mind or if denial continues a non-compliance disposition is given. Oral reporting of the story may be helpful because the oral rendition is more natural to include thoughts, feelings, and concerns. While waiting for the Surgery to round, I proceeded to design different ostomy bags to cover and protect the surrounding tissues and catch the toxic draining before it interfered with her skin integrity As a Would Care Champion, I used my training and expertise to design and implement would drainage collection devices. His gentleness did not go unnoticed. Chewing an ASA reduces the formation of blood clots thus maintaining the blood flow. Mrs. B. finally was discharged to go home with her family. When I inquired as to her disposition on that day, she advised me that she felt tired and out of sorts. Upon further questioning, I discovered that she had been experiencing intermittent dizziness since she awoke that morning along with feeling winded. Upon further investigation, she advised me that she had been having episodes of dizziness for several weeks, but on that day the symptoms were worse. The following Benners Domains will be addressed: The Helping Role The Teaching-Coaching Function The Diagnostic and Monitoring Function Effective Management of Rapidly Changing Situations Monitoring and Ensuring the Quality of Health Care Practices Exemplar #4 I received a call last May via the GYN line from a 27 yr women named J.. She was requesting advice or a message be sent to her doctor. I immediately paged the surgeon on call, notified HBS, who recommended I do what I could to protect the surrounding skin, made a referral for the Would Care RN and then got the would care/ostomy cart. Candidates who have taken more CEs/CMEs will be rated higher. Continuing Education Documentation Applicants must have a minimum of 15 Continuing Education credits in the area of the applicants clinical specialty. A surgeon once put her medical condition and her risk for surgical complications into perspective in a phrase I will never forget. These are the situations that nurses recall again and again. Gayle Morris, BSN, MSN has over two decades of nursing practice with a clinical focus in rehabilitation medicine. I touched his arm and said Dont you worry, that is what I get paid to do. Surgery rounded on her the next day and was very impressed and verbalized to me what a great idea and how inventive it was that I had taken the time to think outside the box. The charge nurse must adapt to new circumstances and navigate or overcome obstacles; they must make the right call without relying on others. In this way you will be able to determine whether everything you wanted to convey is easily understood and that your story is clear. Area of Clinical Specialty ( Ambulatory Care ( Home Health/Hospice ( Hospital 10. Charge nurses must be able to multitask and stay calm under pressure. et al., 2019). Communication Communication is the process that people use to exchange information, Verification of Hours Paid Form (if applicable) Performance Evaluation within the last 12 months at midpoint or above on average. 2010-12-08T15:15:14-05:00 (Effective Management of Rapidly Changing Situations) Before I put patient on hold I told her to chew a tablet of ASA and find someone to take her to ED. T. and his family agreed this was a logical step in providing relief and increasing the quality of his remaining days. We use cookies and other tools to enhance your experience on our website and to analyze our web traffic. Most importantly, I prevented a novice nurse from making a potential lethal injury to this patient, thus ensuring the quality of health care practices. An effective charge nurse uses critical thinking to quickly assess and decide if immediate action must be taken to protect the patient's health. I will attend a workshop on sepsis and present a summary to my unit of what I learned within two months. I was able to pass this data on to ED physician and the Psychiatric services LCSW who came to assess Mr. Y.. advocate by protecting the personal rights of clients and providing all A mentor is an advisor and teacher who can guide an aspiring or new charge nurse. She agreed. Knowing that my room was ready I went straight to the preoperative department to meet my patient and to receive a handoff. Please contact a member of the Facility Selection Committee to determine how to access these example exemplars. PERIOD COVERED BY REPORT DUE COMPLETED Health Promotion Health promotion is the behavior of an individual motivated by a Although I was initially impressed at Mr. L.s ability to speak and remain awake. Disease (COPD), Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), Quality Improvement Cycle: Plan- Describe clinical situations, which you believe positively impacted by your practice. Fevers began and she was readmitted, requesting 4E. You assume the role of teacher and your patient is essential for the survival of a species. A sample of the standard should be included in the portfolio if possible. The next two weeks of T.s life were full of much loving intervention by our whole team and was able to pass peacefully on August 19th. She was then switched over to PO Mag sulfate, observed for a day and then discharged the next day. State the domains you are addressing at the beginning of each exemplar (see back of this packet for examples of BENNERS DOMAIN). In addition to handling and monitoring the current situation, this nurse anticipates and plans for potential change in the patients condition, adapting to the patients needs as they arise. No one would have questioned my care and maybe even said good job in keeping Mr. Y. comfortable by dosing him with Ativan. She was being monitored, had an IV, and was receiving oxygen. Remember the important elements who, what, when, where, why, and how, and be sure to incorporate them into your story. I alerted the only physician left on the station; who was eating his lunch he also happened to be a brand new MD as well as new to Kaiser. Then you put relevant pieces together and solve the mystery. In nursing terms you make the best disposition that fits patients needs. Your self-evaluation represents an opportunity for you to review and reflect on your past accomplishments, current activities, future interests, strengths, and areas for improvement. Why did your work succeed or fail? well as for the nursing profession. Are you seeking a leadership role in nursing? Type the exemplars in a clear, professional, understandable style. WebThe nurse in charge received him and outlined that the boy had vomited and so I went over to talk to. While the format might not be as important as the content in your resume, it affects how the employer sees you. 2019). Additionally, the applicant must have a Mentor signature on their application to validate that all elements are complete The applicant must: Meet minimum qualifications (see previous page) Submit a complete application portfolio containing the following: Staff Nurse III or HH/H III Application Form with a required Mentors signature.. Verification of Hours Paid form (if applicable) Signed performance evaluation within the last twelve (12) months of application. For more information about these cookies and the data collected, please refer to our web privacy statement. Humility is a powerful trait. Family dynamics became uncomfortable at times but taking care of my patient included his whole family. Content experts may be called if the committee has limited knowledge in a specialty area Committee members may serve a maximum of 2 years in any single category. Her history included Parkinsons disease, CKD, COPD, and HTN and elevated K. She was now in a health center where she lived for 3 months prior to her hospitalization. The Staff Nurse III not only notifies appropriately people but also takes immediate action. proceeds through life, characterized by a series of ascents, plateaus, I was almost finished with the dressing when the nurse began to place the NGT in the right nare. Applications are accepted and reviewed monthly on a rolling basis. I continued to use active listening skills throughout the rest of the call. Inflammation Inflammation is a complex nonspecific response to tissue injury intended They would have dismissed it as sleep deprivation and anxiety over being a new mom and sent a message. I have the great pleasure and privilege of continuing to care for Mr. P. FYI, I am happy to report that his index cards have now been updated! The EKG verified that the patient was in complete heart block. the range 7 to 7. You are encouraged to submit your portfolio electronically online to Heidi Alpert. startxref I notified HBS that maybe we should start some probiotics before c-diff came a knocking on her door. APPENDIX STAFF NURSE III, HH/H III Application BENNERS DOMAIN THE HELPING ROLE ( The Healing Relationship: Creating a climate for and establishing a commitment to heal. She agreed. The Charge Nurse is an exemplar for compassion, acceptance, respect and empathy honoring nursing as a distinct discipline and supporting an environment focused on healing and wellness. How did you determine the appropriate action? For an informal chat, contact our Nurse Talent Specialist, Jane Jarvis, on 01977 630830 or nursing practice are defined in the Nurse Practice Act of each state. I reassured her that she would be in very capable hands and nothing was going to be done without an explanation and her consent. Each year, staff members nominate their peers to become recipients of 11 different nurse exemplar awards: APN Exemplar (recognizing an outstanding Advanced Example: a) Helping Role - Provide emotional and information support to patients families. As a leader, the charge nurse must demonstrate humility as they collaborate with healthcare teams. I then consulted the CCMD and after discussing the case with him, we decided I should try speaking to the hospital based doctor, Dr. S. was consulted and when I told him about the case, H recognized the patient and told me that he had talked to the family a few days ago. The facility did have Ativan available. ethnicity, poverty, biological sex, age, mental health, educational level, He was diagnosed with cholangitis. WebAs a forward-thinking multi-award winning Trust and a digital exemplar committed to improving patient care, our world-leading research and innovations are having a positive local and global impact. My calm, reassuring approach and this familys readiness to learn, was an intricate part of being able to increase the complexity of his care and allow T. to remain at home. A newer nurse would have been less effective in this role simply from discomfort with death, and the inexperience would leave this patient with a sense of loneliness and isolation. Once again, she returned to surgery, resulting in a colostomy. the nurse and the client during which the nurse focuses on the clients He expressed his appreciation for being on top of things. I knew that the surgeons were still dissecting the surrounding tissues of the renal vein and renal artery. I sat at his bedside, holding his hand. living, including meal preparation, grocery shopping, household Charge nurses can expect to earn between $50,400 and $90,523 annually, with the median salary landing at $68,863 per year. AJN, 97(6). If a person struggles with organization, interpersonal skills, humility, or nurse burnout, it's time to work on those areas. 0000029639 00000 n Anticipating that the current orders would not be sufficient to control his pain and air hunger, I paged the MD in charge of his care and requested an increase of medication, informing the physician that I felt that death was soon to come, but this patient needed more pain control than currently managed. Charge nurses delegate tasks and share their up-to-date skills with colleagues, new nurses, and students alike. In our Purple Book the home treatment advice presents a list of food that should be avoided (we all know that Mexican food is mostly spicy) and explains in detail about meal timing and positioning when sleeping to avoid acid reflux. Understand When and How to Delegate Tasks. A regional appeal may not be completed before the next application deadline. It also appeared to me that here were bilateral orbital fractures with depressed cheek bones. This nurse can expect physicians to respond in a timely manner, whether they are called upon to change or provide written orders, or to discuss possible changes in standing policies. Visit our online job search to find a Registered Nurse job near you. Charge nurse resume sample Here is the complete sample of a charge nurse resume that would help you to curate your own. I asked her if she could please give me 3-5 minutes and I would be back after talking with the CCMD. I immediately called the Central Processing Unit to ensure that I had the instrument trays that we would need in case we did the case open instead of laparoscopic. The same domains can be used in both exemplars, or different domains can be used. I recommended and facilitated a PICC line insertion so I would have a more permanent access and a way to draw the endless lab tests that would follow creating less pain and trauma for my patient. The NGT was placed successfully after the first attempt. Monitoring, oxygen, and medications are all accessible in that area. Charge nurses also encourage professional growth and development among nurses in their unit. Ability to 2006-06-08T10:38:27Z I suspected that Mr. Y. was suffering from a thought disorder such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder rather than a mood disorder such as bipolar. He told me, I feel like I cant catch my breath, and Im hurting more than yesterday. Nursing Philosophy and Concept Curriculum Map, 2/16/2016). disabilities, sexual orientation, health insurance, and access to health care I couldnt advise patients to take any of these drugs without having her past history. This top honor receives additional recognition and awards. I received report, in room 7, Mr. F..-GI Bleed, will need blood. Teaching & Learning Teaching is a planned method or series of methods used to help I escorted him to our injection room and had him take a seat. Below are some guidelines to assist in writing a recommendation. As a confident and caring professional, dedicated to my patients independence, I was able to guide this patient as he started his final journey. The appendix of this packet includes a lengthy description of Benners Domains and helpful examples of exemplars. Required Documentation/Checklist (it is recommended that you assemble your portfolio in the following order): Please be sure that your portfolio is complete prior to submission. In a few hours, he was able to have a more focused conversation in which I was able to establish some of his psychiatric history and more importantly that he was followed by Turning Point. She was unaware if this was a new symptom. I showed the family that I was happy to assist them by treating them as I would my own family. I realized Mr. P was unable to express his concerns or fear about his discharge. care. I know that all drugs included OTC have side effects (antacids can cause constipation or diarrhea, can elevate Ca levels in the blood leading to kidney failure or if taking in large amount there is risk of Ca loss leading to Osteoporosis). Normal expressions of grief may be physical She asked if I could send a message to her provider or if I thought she needed an appointment. Because the family brought the medication to the ED, the doctors could see the amount of pain made he was on from the pump settings and a peripheral IV was started. Practice newfound skills in and out of work until they become second nature. NAME (Last, First, Middle) 2. care (Taylor et al., 2019). In general, charge nurses must have at least three years of experience as a staff nurse. I had to catch my breath and make sure that my face didnt reveal what my mind was thinking. In turn, this physician was reluctant to countermand what he was being advised by the ED staff. I always felt at ease knowing that everything was accounted for. So many thoughts were running through my head, why does he have this low grade temp, why when I pressed on his abdomen did he grimace ever so slightly? Mr. P had not complained of any abdominal pain - only his chest pain. WebApply online or with our Nurse Talent Specialist. I suspected that the end was nearing, and sat with this patient to talk to him about his plan for the day. (Taylor et al., 2019), Functional Ability Functional ability is a persons ability to perform activities of daily Blood loss brings about disturbance in fluid and electrolyte imbalance that could rapidly alter cardiovascular, neurologic and neuromuscular functions. I entered her room one day to see her in rigors; her abdomen was distended and very tender to the touch. Mrs. B. mustered up some humor and replied you mean outside the bag. Little did I know that during this affirmation she would call me up to the altar and introduce me to her congregation as The Angel that God had sent to her. nonmaterial life force or higher power. This paid time is then divided by number of weeks, which is calculated by taking the fifty-two (52) weeks in a year minus the weeks of vacation blocks minus California Nurses Association option week if taken, minus approved leave of absence up to three (3) months time. The Staff Nurse III raises the level of practice by effectively using whatever resources exist and by functioning as a dependable expert readily available to other team members. In this exemplar I used the following Benners domains of nursing practice: The helping role The teaching- Coaching function The diagnostic and monitoring function Effective management of rapidly changing situations Monitoring and Ensuring the Quality Of health Care Practices Exemplar #1 In one evening I received a call on the Spanish line. She told me that after she had breakfast the burning started again. If needed, appeal to the Facility Selection Committee in writing within 30 days of the original decision. I asked if the symptoms are related to meals, if she has them at night and how often. MONITORING AND ENSURING THE QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE PRACTICES ( Providing a back-up system to ensure safe medical and nursing care. 9iK wwQ I gave a detailed report to the recovery room nurse. She did not drink or smoke. 2. I was willing to have Mr. P admitted and have a negative work-up than for him to be discharged and return critically ill. There were no admission beds in the hospital, at least until discharged have occurred. as neighborhood clinics, patients homes, long-term care facilities, schools, She took 600mg of ibuprofen, fed her baby and tried to go back to sleep. the three intracranial compartments such that small increases in the WebThe charge nurse assesses clients during a mass casualty incident (MCI) and transfers some to other units but discharges others to home. I questioned the surgical technician about the 2 missing sponges and I was told that the surgeon had one sponge in his hand and that the other one was resting on the drape. I at once began colostomy teaching. Nurses encounter potential and actual After assessing the patient and not really coming to a clear outcome I felt uncomfortable with giving her an appointment or a message. 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