Just listen to them complaining," Deborah said, smiling, as tears . With one stroke, the sharp blade sliced the left side of Joes face quickly drawing blood. Crimson blood immediately began to flow from the wound, quickly seeping into Joes shirt. I shouldnt have had that beer. Adam was now burdened with guilt. Little Joe knew he had to do something.anything, but what? Joes heart was pounding so hard he heard it in his ears. You must eat.. Please, forgive me. Your Pas here., Im here Joe. Ben became surprised as to how alert his youngest son had suddenly become. Davids putrid whiskey-laden breath was beginning to burn his eyes. His family watched from the buggy, giving Little Joe a private moment. Hurts. His ribs were going to take awhile to heal. I felt bad I had to leave him last night, however, there wasnt anything more I could do and he was resting comfortably. Adam was about to get up when the doc held up his hand. Just a slight wind beginning to rustle some of the upper branches of the pines. I am looking for a Ben Cartwright. The deep raspy voice demanded. Whats going on? Ben and Hoss simultaneously stared at each other. When Little Joe finds a young man who's been beaten and whipped on the Ponderosa, he brings him home so that they can help the boy. Pa? he repeated as a tear slipped out. Ben tried to sooth his son. Everythings gonna be okay. Adam frowned and was confused as to what Joe was talking about. It was to be only one day. He and his son are from New Orleans. Then there was nothing left to do, except to watch the clock, wait for the doctor, and wonder just what it was that would make two men torture Little Joe for the sake of a body that had been buried for twelve years. He bit his lower lip as his nostrils flared, while a single tear fell from his eye. He unfortunately was also devious and prone to avoiding work whenever possible. This is the second time this has happened., Im not sure, but I wouldnt doubt it has to do what happened. David had been at a loss, and became a regular at the Rue Royal. Adam was searching for words, help, even his own voice for what he just encountered, within his own househis little brotherit was too much for him. There was no immediate response, so Ben called to him again. He never doubts that he can save them, and so he does. Adam, come on son. The sheriffs concerned eyes met Doc Martins. Pa, whats going on? Hoss burst into the room. PT means the story is post-timeline. I need you Adam! Father and son kept a vigil until Little Joe finally settled. But the only problem is that it's not. Cringing and holding on to his injured side, Joe tried to position himself to get a clear view of where his assailants were. Fanfiction Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. His heart raced and his tears began to choke him. What do ya got there son?. Looking for Little Joe . Now please, lets try to have some more faith in him. Ben lowered his eyes, returning his attention to his paperwork. The name BONANZA is a registered trademark of Bonanza Ventures and is used with permission. His shoulder is going to take awhile to heal. He took in a deep breath. I allowed myself into a situation where I didnt have full control, making it easier for me to lash out at you than to listen. His fingers lightly enfolded Little Joes limp hand. You fool kid! Great story, made me feel better about their fight in the first episode. He simultaneously drew his gun and kicked Cochise to a full gallop. Looks good. With Hosss help he re-bandaged the wound. his! His breaths came short fast. Dax come here. After motioning to his son, he ran his dirty sleeve across his moist forehead. The doc went straight to work as he noticed Joes face was shockingly pale. Why was he allowing himself to look possibly at making a mountain out of a mole hill? I saw Jimmy on the road, riding like the devil himself was on his tail. He continued to wipe the wound on his brothers face, though it wasnt nearly as bad as the others. I need to go with the Sheriff, too. The inner voices within his head continued to persistently whisper, giving him an intense headache. Easy Joe., At a snails pace, Joe turned his head, showing his joyless face to his brother. He couldn't help going for a ride on the way home. He reached down to gently lift his younger brother into his arms, and then carried him to the settee. Joe?. Come on, buddy. Joe its Charlie. Please pa, we all know that Little Joe needs you the most right now. The slight nod and smile was all reassurance Ben needed from his middle son. Joe, mamas dead. You did this, you and that filthy father of yours! David screamed, whipping out a knife and jamming it into the back of Joes left shoulder. A battle he did not want to lose in his own home and alone. Not. Marie glanced down at her sleepy baby. Joe was confused as to what the hell was going on. But theyd gotten through it. Joe, that is when I realized I had gone too far. Noooo! Joes cry elevated as did his fight. As usual, he began with Joes side. Little Joe was speechless, however, words were not needed to see just how much he appreciated what they had done. What was I thinking? This just cant be real Joe, Joe. Son,we promised, Ben softened his voice as he lay his hand on Adams shoulder. But how? For this reason he became confused as to why Adams behavior had changed drastically over these last months. Little Joe had watched it happen. Answers his older brother wasnt sure he could give, although he could give support and love. They wouldnt, would they? It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. He had even delivered Joe. His breathing got worse, as did the pain. Shhh, Joe its okay, buddy. Adam gently placed his hands on Joe to try to calm him. He then turned to Hoss. Take it easy son.. He was hurting, and feverish, but had seemed to be coming back to them. Hes just a kid.my kid brother. Lots of drama and trauma for our handsome Joe. Love the JAMs and JPMS and, of course, the SJS! Not you and that scrawny body of yours. Was his anger taking over his ability to think straight? Yes, he would have made her proud. I miss her, Joe, just like you do, and I didnt want to disappoint her. Adam leaned forward and whispered into his brothers ear. Hoss wasnt that old and Ben was struggling himself, so Adam took it upon himself to care for his little brother. Bonanza Tv Show. Ad-am hurts?. With his head down, Joe slowly walked back toward his waiting family. Joe, we got the men who did this to you. Adam carefully squeezed Little Joes hand and then reached for the wet cloth again, confused to find the water wet and cold. First of all, poor Hop Sing had a family emergency while Pa and Hoss had gone to Carson City on business. Ben walked over to his middle son and bent down. Only use it if necessary, and keep those cool towels on him. "episode," is set probably somewhere in between seasons eight and nine of Bonanza. Patience.. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Little Joe Cartwright/Original Male Character(s). Why? Within seconds of hearing pounding hooves and the rumbling buckboard, Charlie glanced up to see Adam charge through the front door. M-M-Ma A tiny tear rolled down the young mans face as his sad eyes met his fathers. But he knew with the help of his family,Joe would get through this. Good night son. He paused walking up the steps. You dont deserve to look like her. Help! Joe began to slowly stir as he cried out in pain, waking Ben. His goal was to visit New Orleans one day. Heck they had both apologized right? YouYour speaking again. Tears welled up in his eyes. Joe was confused. It seemed hours had passed before the three men had Joe bundled up in towels and blankets. Swallowing hard Joe tried to catch his breath as anxiety and the abuse his body sustained were finally taking their toll. Shhh! Shhh, take it easy. As he lay on his bed listening Joe had cringed at Adams last comment, feeling both hurt and angry. Jimmy get Doc. He was weak so weak. I realize now that I have to I should have been there as your brother and not as a parent. When a snow cave collapses, trapping his brother and his friends, Sparky knows what to do. Dax seemed oblivious. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Besides, he hadnt seen Seth in awhile and was hoping to find out if he was going to the dance next Friday night. Not to say Ben or Hoss didnt care, they did. Im just giving ya a few extra pillows here to prop ya up.. He has a fever and we need to cool him down. He motioned to Hoss. Joes fingers remained limp. He is only seventeen, Pa.. JoeSon. Ben was the first to respond and gently tried to rouse the young trouble man. This work could have adult content. Hoss, you cant take this personally. He tried to make eye contact but failed. The riders ignored him. Joe Cartwright shrunk below his normal height at the sound of his father's voice. How was he to make responsible, logical decisions with his baby brother critically lying there on the floor right there in front of him. Do you hear me, boy? The angered man kicked Joe hard in the back of the legs rolling him onto his stomach. Ben remembered exactly when that picture had been taken for theyd had to wait. I want to check on those wounds of his for infection. After administering the medicine he began examining Joe. Adam lowered his head and firmly rubbed his brow. Im sorry for what I said to you the other day. Though She Be But Little (by mcfair_58) - Bonanza Brand - Fanfiction Library. Son dont blame yourself. It was going to be a long and bumpy road, and this was just the beginning. How could Joe think that? Usually I post for Sheith but here we are. Just inches from his face, it was definitely evident how angry, and drunk the man was. He drew Joe closer to his chest and allowed a few tears to roll down his cheek. Stories written by fans of the TV series Bonanza. Was Was? Doc. Bonanza-Legacy. You sleep now buddy. Adam slowly and carefully made himself comfortable, until he fell asleep, as he cradling his little brother. As tiny beads of sweat began trickling down the side of his cheek, he realized he didnt know whether it was really sweat. Adam hehetold me Joe turned his head and began staring at the rocking chair in the corner of his room. How can I leave him? Come on son.. We need to keep a very close eye on that. Adam?, Are you okay, son? Sure, the kid could get on his nerves and act immature, like a child at times, but like Pa said, He is only a boy, not a man like you. Joe? Ben slowly leaned forward as he softly called to his youngest boy. For that, I am sorry. His heavy eyelids finally closed and although his heart was in the right place, realized here is where The end didnt justify the means. He turned and stared at Joe. He was so confused. You got nothing better to do but to play with that?, What chance are you gonna have to use an epee out here in the west?, Youre a Cartwright! Let me see what damage you have done to my work. Knowing he wouldnt get a response he calmly spoke to his semi-conscious patient. I know it as you have always had a fight in you, just like your mother. He spoke softly as a glassy sheen formed over his eyes. Ben sternly glanced up at him, Listen son, didnt Little Joe bring a thousand head of cattle down from the north pasture? Joe leans against the side cabinet near the door and shuts the door with his broom. You better not die on me. You have to believe that.. You dont deserve to look like her.If he didnt slow his rapid breathing down he could hyperventilate. Hoss, can you walk the doc out?. Adam saw an instant of shock in both the docs and the sheriffs eyes when then they discovered Joes bundled form on the settee. No money is being made from this work. Hazel Eyes. Maybe it has to do with me being the oldest. Slow your breathing, Joe. He could hear Adams voice. Can you, My ma-ma. Joe was struggling to speak as he looked at his brother. Ben and Adam still, at Little Joes side, while Hoss unfortunately, still keeping a slight distance, yearning for the timeday when Little Joe would not see him as a threat. By: . Pa, can I have a drink? Joe was beginning to feel better. He didnt stop there, though he probably should have. Th-ey..gon-natakemy ma-ma buck-board. His breathing was becoming more labored, and just by looking at his clammy face, it was very clear just how much pain he was in, both physically and now emotionally. Please hurry! Jimmy, I will need you to stay here with Charlie and the doc. With somber eyes he turned toward Hank who was still standing behind the settee. My name is Joe, he said proudly. Ive got you.. Adam I have all the help I need. Hoss has the buggy already hooked up for you. Is he gone? His breathing slowed a bit, however, he was still trembling. You and that no good father of yours killed her!. Was he really mad at Adam? Im sorry., Your brother is young and strong. the Doc responded without looking up. Here with your family. He bit his lower lip as the tears slipped out. His hands were red and wet. With half a sandwich in one hand, Joe casually opened the door with the other. Please hurry. Im cold, Adam so cold. There wasnt a place on his body that didnt hurt. Why? He tried to run, but he couldnt move. Your mother was the best thing that ever happened to our family. I would like to thank my beta reader, freyakendra. How dare I say that about Marie after all she did for us for me. Fine sir. Puzzled, Adam eyes met Bens and Hosss. Adam help me. He knew his odds were not in his favor. Our place is here, with Little Joe.. My ma-ma,Ad-am. It was a chore just to raise his eyelids half-way. Hey Pa, look who I found. Hoss said as he rushed is the room with everything Ben had requested. Oh, but it hurts so much. Joe? Oww. Within no time the curtains shut on his weary eyes. He continued as he and Hoss carefully pulled Joes wet pants off while Ben was ready with a clean pair. Except for Hoss, here, but these two are bigger than him. He quickly ran his fingers threw his short gray hair. Adams back! Hoss called out from down stairs. He was seated on the floor over by the desk, Son? Joes mother had been dead for about twelve years now. Son you need to rest. I dont want a shirt or nightshirt on him just yet. Ben trusted the doc as he has been to his house many times. Quickly he took notice that they were both preoccupied with something that Dax was holding, almost cradling.. Run Joe. Its not your fault, Joe and its not pas either. Its still playtime with that body. He laughed. Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering Age Gate. Adam?. Joseph, can you hear me son? He stroked Little Joes hair. Although he fully understood that the fewer setbacks Little Joe had hopefully the quicker he would healemotionally. Okay, Joe, let me check this last bandage here, and then I will let you get some rest, I promise. He turned Little Joes head to the right. Now, however, he looked to be in another world. It was a chore for Joe just to try to catch his breath. It was as far as he dares go until those wounds could be stitched closed. Age Gate will also appear each time a different web browser is used to access these stories. Seventeen-year-old Little Joewatched the summer sun peak over the tops of the pines as he stood by the pile of logs ready to be chopped. He glanced down at his hands and saw blood dripping from his fingertips. Dead or alive, she was his mother! Joe was trying as quickly as he could to recover, however, he found himself back in the monstrous, vice-like grip again. Joe wished he could trade placed with his older brother right now. Cleaning up had been the last thing on Adams mind, and both Charlie and Hank were too focused on looking after both Joe and Adam to bother with the mess left behind. Joe I promised your mother and I promised myself that from that day forward I was going to keep you safe. Little Joe snapped himself out of his man-made fog and dragged his feet slowly back over to the chopping block. Dax, our plans have changed. Still holding the brandy he pursed his lips and ran his fingers through his thick, greasy, gray hair as beads of sweat dripped down his brow. The only thing wrong with himhes young. Adam knew Joe would grow up soon, Adam just wanted it sooner rather than later. I promised you and I will keep my promise, however, we may have to rent a buckboard now., Injured and disoriented , Joe wasnt sure if what he was listening to was correct. Please come home! Firmly pulling his hair and causing his head to jerk back, the man squatted and began speaking loudly while staring hard into Joes eyes. I got it Pa. Adam didnt even raise his head nor did he make eye contact. The sheriff is here and wants to speak to us. Ben told him as the sheriff came in through the door behind them. See, I told Pa not to leave him alone. The rocker that hed found solace in after his mother had died, where he would sit by the window on clear nights, looking up at the sky as he recited, Star light, Star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. Like Marie gave me. Thanks doc.. Adam squeezed his eyes shut and wiped his face with both hands. This story is part 3 of the "Child of the Heart" series. Im sorry as I know it is a bit late, but I was in the area. He shook Bens hand then set his medical bag down on the night stand and proceeded to pull out his stethoscope. What is this idiot talking about? In between gasps Joe blurted out, Shes dead. He knew Joe couldnt hear him, however, this one sided- conversation was already beginning to soothe his soul. Were here Joe. With somber eyes Adam glanced over at his little brother. I knew he wanted to stay and help his brother, but Joe was bad Ben. His concern now lie with possibility of open stitches with all the tossing and turning Joe had been doing. Flashes of red were appearing in front of him. I CAN'T REMEMBER THE PASSWORD. Pa what do you think is going on? Hoss asked. Alerted, all three men simultaneously were now attentive to Little Joe. Adam? He became a bit concerned about his older son. A mostly cannon, Adam doesn't leave, fix it for Adam's bad luck with relationships. Think JoeThink. Bonanza Legacy - The Reading Room. The tears flowed down his face and lightly wet the pillow. He seemed to like you reading to him. Pa? Joe was drenched in sweat and his legs were tangled in the sheets. What is her name?. He said wewe..stole mama from them. Joe began fiddling with the bed sheets. He told me the pa and I. Tears flowed freely as he glanced up at the ceiling. Heeding his warning, Ben turned to Adam and Hoss. He slowly unwrapped it only to discover it was the best gift they could have given him. Hop Sing had returned home and assisted in caring for Little Joe. Tears mixed with the blood on his tortured face. Shhh. It wasnt a fair fight by a long shot. I need to know cause I have been looking for her for seventeen years now. In no way did Little Joe want a private conversation with this enormous bully. As he lay there, his vision blurred, he tried to focus on a retreating figure as another was coming into play. Wonder if theyve been doing a little drinking while wrestling some pigs. Run. He froze when he heard Dax cry out, Ma . No,No Noooo, Noooo! Have a seat, Roy., Thanks, Ben. He took off his hat and began fidgeting with it. It was very clear to Doc Martin just how out of it and in shock the man was. Shhhh! Sure. I should have known better, I should have trusted you. I know it hurts Joe, but we cant leave you like this. The doc explained to him. Adam pulled his chair closer to the bed and sat down. David and his wife encountered many challenges with Dax from the day he was born, but the most demanding one they faced was that he wouldnt be able to go to school with other kids his age for his mentality level was far below theirs. Son, what happened? Ben was becoming worried. A few stray rays of light filtered through the branches and began to warm the ground where Joe stood. But when a buggy accident claims the life of Nora Cromwell, leaving Little Joe fighting for his own life, both Ben and Joe end up blaming themselves for the other's pain and sorrow. We are going to bring your mother home, no matter what.. What do you think that was all about asked Hank as he, too attempted to calm his horse. This had to stop and Joe knew it. Im here for ya Little Joe. A tear slipped down his heavy-hearted face. Hoss and Ben frowned as they glanced at each other then back at Adam who was now focused on Joe. Wildflowers Adam knew were what she and Joe had picked every summer. Youll be alright, Joe. Menu. Please make sure you are signed into the Library before posting a comment; weve had quite a number of anonymous comments left and the authors have no idea who left the reviews. Do everything you can Doc. Dont worry Joe, Ill get them. His nostrils flared as he gritted his teeth. Why did they want Maries body? Adam wanted to know, but he either had to wait for Little Joe or those thugs to provide him with the answers. Id like to be alone with Joe. He continued to tend to his patienthis brother. Its gonna be okay Joe. How the hell can someone tell something like that to a kid? With tear filled eyes he glanced down at his little brother then laid his cheek on his curly hair. Why couldnt I give you a chance like you deserve. the blood that had surrounded her head while she lie on the ground, so still. Even as he grew up, the nickname stuck, and Hoss remained taller and larger than Joe. Panic suddenly filled Charlies veins looking toward the open door at the Cartwright house. He was not one to run away from danger or problems, but this one was gnawing at him, confusing him. Thanks Adam. Joe softly answered. Sad, but all to real. It was an accident. He gently hugged Joe a little closer to him as he began to slightly rock. My patience is running thin, so I suggest you tell me whether or not Marie DeMarigny is your mother, and where she is! HOSS: OH LORDY! Ben was promptly at Joes side. Joe was still not well enough for a gunbelt. Attempting to concentrate at his desk reviewing some last minute paper work, Ben glanced up at Adam. Easy now.. Why did they do this to Joe? Little Joe eat breakfast. Slightly hunched he shuffled into the room. That was not the answer the older man wanted. You did the best you could. Ahhhh! Joe cried out as his now beaten body had all but given up. They had even smiled and laughed, so why then did he feel so rejected? Son, the doc has all the help he needs right now. With a firm grip, he drew Adam to his feet. I need you. Well that is one way to air out your feet., Caught by surprise, the man glanced at his son than quickly back at Joe, His son?. Adam was going to make things right, as a brother and not as a parent. Ben and Hoss had no idea what was unfolding in front of them. Owww! he cried out. I want you to let me know how often and when these events occur. Hoss just witnessed one of those setbacks. Martin will be here shortly. Staring fiercely into Joes widened green eyes the man shouted, Just how old are you boy?. Adam too was absent, having headed to Virginia City before the sun was up, as Pa needed him to take care of the payroll, pickup a few supplies and the mail. . The flashback of seeing her immediately transferred to the gruesome image of his little brother. That sounds good. Joe was a bit anxious to get out. Nor did you let Hoss or I down. It seems this kid is a bit confused and we have to help him., Joe glanced down at the shattered, broken pieces of glass that now surround him. Ben, I think Joe is lucky to be alive after seeing these two giants. His pacing halted when he stood in front of Ben. You caught the men who did this to your brother. He knew some complications that could arise from a high fever, but he also knew how to be level headed. He should have been getting better by now as Doc Martin had said, however, just the opposite had been happening. Almost done Little Joe. Doc Martin explained. You need to eat. Shaking his head, he reminded the young man before exiting the room. Pa. The attack, Ben. He stood up, cracked his back and walked over to face Joe. Wrapped up in his memories, Davids focus was on Dax. Summary: When Ben decides to marry again for the fourth time, things as they had always been suddenly start going haywire, especially for Little Joe. Okay, Im done. The doc cleaned up his mess and tools. Work Search: He wondered, What really happened? He allowed his mind to wander and paused there momentarily. Was he awake or was he dreaming? Joe, come on look at me.. Joesph., The three men in the room simultaneously glanced at each other with a puzzled look. He wanted to tell his father but, it wasnt just fatherly advice he wanted. Placing his hat back on his head, Adam took one last glance back at Joe. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Listen, you little brat, my name is David Dubois and this here is my son, Dax. It had been a beautiful summer day. Hank handed him some towels and between the two of them, they began tending to Little Joes wounds as they needed to get the bleeding under control. Ben gently placed his hand on Adams shoulder. Did you see the look on Little Joes face? Hoss met his fathers eyes. Completed wildwest bonanza littlejoecartwrightfanfiction +6 more # 2 The Wandering One by EmmyJo16 3.1K 57 19 I.I froze. He couldnt hold it in anymore and a single tear slipped down his cheek. The mans massive body began to tense up, blood began to flow and Joe could detect the redness forming around his scruff of a beard. Well, with a little coaxing, a very drunk Dubois confessed as to why he came here. The sheriff looked at each of them in turn. Hoss and I were without a mother for too long and when Marie came along it was like she was our own mother and she took us under her gentle wing without question. Who are you? Coming! He shouted, alerting the guest. Dax you spokeyou spoke Dax. David slowly knelt down beside his son and hugged him. I..I..Im seventeen. Joe was struggling to keep his toes touching the ground. Oh Joe there was so much blood just like He paused and slowly blinked as he glanced over at Little Joe. It was evident that Adam was having difficulty concentrating. Hurts Adam! Tears began to slide down his cheek. With every swing of the ax, he could hear his older brothers hurtful words. So much blood, pa, and I didnt know what to do. Tears began to roll down his cheek as he stared at Ben. Hoss, hot on his heels slammed right into him. Joe? This suddenly gave way to a sense of horror and anger as he was viciously pulled into a sitting position with his back resting against the desk and heated eyes staring at him. Hoss and I will go get something to eat and change. David, already armed and prepared, met him midway as the sharp knife ripped into and across Little Joes right side sending him crashing to the floor in agony on top of his fathers now broken decanter.
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