Corporations have decided that its ok to let public spaces be completely disgusting. It wasnt until the beginning of January that I felt 100% again. He was right and I am beyond grateful. No supplements will help. Got a towel to remove the sweat. It was right before Thanksgiving. If mucus production become virulent, you MUST get to the hospital for a chest xray and blood gases. The second bout was far worse; I really thought I was gonna die. When it is possible for me to get an antibody test, I will do it, so that if I have already had it, I can volunteer to do an essential job. Hack, gargle and blow your nose in the warm steaminess- get it all out. OTC drugs generally aren't very effective, although an anti-inflammatory like Tylenol can reduce fever and aches. The NHS symptom. And it's not pneumonia, because the doctor checked. I had something mid-February that at the time I thought was weird and atypical of my usual annual sore throat. I'm sure it was covid, looking back on it. Wearing sweat shirts and hats to bed is not a treatment and it doesnt cure anything . As COVID symptoms become less prominent following multiple vaccinations, colds and COVID are becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate, however Dr Hespe said a RAT test was still the best way to find out. Sounds like coronavirus. I had trouble getting out of bed this morning. Honey is also an antimicrobial. This is what it looks like as seen on Inside Edition 4/22/20. People with the "super cold" typically won't lose . The only thing that worked for me was taking long walks in the sun for hours on the weekends. I also have/had a sinus headache. I'm pretty sure I had it. Super fatigued, very sore throat. Hello. A month ago I would have said my cold (which was almost exactly what OP described) might have been CV-19 because it was so severe and lasted for so long, but my fever only lasted half a day and didn't get above 100.8, so I doubt I had it. [quote] My co-workers mother just died of this cold 2 weeks ago. Oak pollen here in Florida is horrible right now. Managing Editor: Tianna Hicklin, Ph.D. Online ahead of print. It's known to be a folk remedy for Gout also. Im interested to see if people who had this also get coronavirus. Sept. 22, 2022, 4:51 PM UTC / Updated Oct. 17, 2022, 5:54 PM UTC By Sarah Jacoby If you wake up with classic cold symptoms like a stuffy nose and sore throat multiple times a year, that's actually . I do this for about 3 nights and helps get rid of the cold. Youre more likely to be indoors and closer to others when its colder outside. So this virus was going around for a while. I wonder if steroids might help you. This thread is almost two year old. I remember very well : it started on Christmas eve, the first two days I was basically stuck in bed shaking with zero energy and a fever, I thought here we go, caught the actual flu, I'll be down for at least two weeks. It lasted 20 days for me, and yesterday afternoon I thought it was finally over, but woke up this morning with the congestion in my lungs back, coughing again, sore throat again OP, I suggest you read my entire thread on how to cure a sore throat and nasal congestion. Please click here to register for free. Covid 19 wasn't in America in December, we have other diseases here. The FDA has also approved one antiviral drug, called remdesivir, to treat COVID-19. Ideally, people should get diagnosed with viruses like Covid-19 and the flu early in the course of illness, Gounder says. Stranger too is that my sister got sick the day after I did & she was even worse. A Warner Bros. No fever, swollen glands, lots of expectorating. As a result, the scientists of the study propose that some ingredient in the soup may be responsible for slowing or blocking the migration of these WBCs to the upper respiratory tract and thus, aid in relieving cold symptoms. NIAID. Its just now dawning on R191 that he shouldnt have participated in that orgy when he visited Wuhan. I had a relapse and treatment again in August. Extreme fatigue and shortness of breath. overreacting. There are already hints that this year's cold and flu season could be bad: On Oct. 14, the CDC reported early increases in seasonal flu activity. ^^^^ Hopefully all those people coughing in church will die. Or maybe allergies? Later, she said she had a very bad flu. Not whether it tastes good or reminds you of your mom, or if the emulsified fat liquifies secretions. Fatigued for weeks. I truly had forgotten all about this but it just showed up today when someone W&W one of my posts on this thread. As others have said, my major symptoms have been massive congestion in my lungs and head, insane coughing, headache, that hollow weird feeling in my eye sockets, and complete loss of energy. Body and head ached. Nothing works. Cases of the super cold are continuing to spread throughout the UK, with millions of Britons experiencing classic symptoms of cold and flu despite winter coming to an end. We work in a hospital. They also jacked the price up about 1,000 times. I was feeling better within the week (took 1 day off). 'The cold spell is another factor though why it should make us more prone is a mystery. It's the freakiest thing. if you belonged the Costco they sell huge bottles of just guaifenesin and they're ridiculously cheap compared to Mucinex. Because you seem disoriented. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners chair and head of general practice at The University of Notre Dame, Dr Charlotte Hespe told about the differences between a cold and COVID, and what that means for those who fall ill. The latest CDC update tracks data through October 29. R67 Tylenol or Paracetamol is not in the NSAID class. What you should know. Would the antibody test work now? It was COVID. Its New York States vaccination app, but never mind. I also took 2000 milligrams of vitamin C in the winter. Good luck. When I'm drinking it again, that's when I'll know I'm better. Dont forget to vaccinate your children, too. From the timeline of those anecdotes, it might just prove to them the virus was brought to Wuhan from somewhere else pinpoint the patient zero is extremely hard and virtually impossible in the flu like pandemic, California started to test people for antibodies, it might reveal more interesting findings on how many people already got it and for how long. R274 - onset in China is thought to be November, but could be earlier. I'm at day 18. I have a large bottle and if you only take it for cold relief you're going to have it for a long time. I posted last fall on this thread about a lingering cold. Hilarious snaps reveal workers who don't have time for red tape, Wife is shocked after husband of 15 years asks for permission to have an affair: 'I don't know what to do', My Daily Horoscope: What does March 2nd hold for MY star sign? We have four people out sick with it in our office. It can sometimes prevent the development of influenza entirely. Our golden emporor TRUMP would never let bad things happen to great America. Thanks, R356. I haven't been anywhere; I practically live like a hermit anyway, and I haven't been sick again yet. RSV hospitalizations were also significantly higher than usual, according to another weekly update published by the CDC on Thursday. It was freakish. Determining the cause of an illness can be tricky because many share some symptoms. Thursday, 2nd March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. I would think that it can; if I test positive for antibodies, it would strongly suggest that my brush with serious respiratory illness late last year was in fact Covid-19. Bump because I think I may have had the Coronavirus earlier than the pandemic broke out. PMID: 34411230. . Talk with your doctor about currently available medications. Also suggest adding preferably raw garlic, onions, capsaicin - the active ingredient in chili peppers or use Louisiana hot sauce, as well as Tumeric and curry powder to your chicken or vegetable soup. They don't need to get multiple PCR tests and get a rapid test daily. South Dakota reports its first influenza death of the 2021-2022 season Young children and older adults, especially those with certain underlying health conditions, are at higher risk for severe illness from RSV. A curious thing happened during the Covid-19 pandemic: With masks, social distancing, and Purell galore, we kept most other germs at bay. I also stop all forms of dairy. Wheezing and shortness of breath. Of some kind. Really? This is an unusual time for flu activity to be increasing, and it is unclear how long increases will continue. Many of my co-workers got very sick around the same time. Oddest thing I've ever had. You might remember getting caught in its crosshairs first, one person shows up with a cough and the sniffles, swearing it all sounds worse than it feels. The most impactful thing employers can do to keep their workforces healthy is to provide paid sick leave so people can stay home when they need to. I forgot to add the fever part of my symptoms. I'm sure some adults get it but I associate it with little kids in grade school. A Division of NBC Universal, Jamie Grill | Tetra Images | Getty Images, Possible symptoms for the common cold, flu and Covid. C and Zinc. "Newer associates who've entered the workforce during the pandemic really have no idea the norms of when it's OK to take time off," Walsh says. The system that protects your body from invading viruses, bacteria, and other microscopic threats. Without having contact with regular viral infections during that time, Dr Hespe said our bodies had not had the regular reminder to our immune system to have a good response. He's on a Polanski thread saying Sharon Tate was a "whore" who "wasn't really murdered" and on a Barbra thread saying someone should stomp on her neck and shoot her in the head. Cold and Flu Activity Map and News | WeatherBug 0 Cold and Flu Each year, on average 5% to 20% of the U.S. population get sick from seasonal influenza, commonly called "the flu." The flu can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications in many people, but can you tell the difference between the flu and the common cold? HA ! A major hub for flights to China from the US is through Seattle/Tacoma which is probably why Washington was one of the first states to deal with Covid. Sadly as R68 mentioned, it's no longer easy to find generic or store brand 'plain' Guaifenesin. I was told by my PA that this season's cold is a new, "super virus," and can make you very ill indeed, but antibiotics should not be used unless there is a secondary bacterial infection. The cough lasts for over 3 weeks but if you don't die of it you should feel quite a bit better after 18 days or so. There's nothing particularly therapeutic in chicken soup. When safety doesn't come first! The whole country is a fucking VIRUS and a filthy shit hole. That does sound unnerving. Increased Movement of Nasal Fluids: Although hot fluids typically aid in the movement of nasal mucus, chicken soup can be superior to hot water in increasing the movement of nasal mucus, clearing the airways, and easing congestion. Take a mucus and phlegm reducing cough medicine. I also had this terrible cold for 2 1/2 weeks. I had the oddest flu/cold thing about a month ago. Worldwide serologic testing (blood test for antibodies) will eventually be done to get a truer picture of how many people were infected but not diagnosed. If I was a betting man, I would bet on man made. This thread was a warning of what was to come : (. Arkansas & Tennessee. I wasn't able to speak for a few days because every time I tried, I'd just break into a coughing fit. And nothing seems to work on it. If we ever get that test I'd like to know how many people here have antibodies. Warning chocolate lovers ultra-processed foods might make you depressed, study claims. Don't forget the raw apple cider & tea tree oil. I told my boss no working for me, went home, find this thread and the new medication combo. Jan. 20, 2022 4 min read Heading into the first weeks of 2022, hospitals in our region are seeing steady increases in the number of COVID-19 cases and flu cases. Thinks what he knows is true. It was completely puzzling. My mom also got the same symptoms, and I started her on the medication combo; but my visiting brother took her to Patient First, where they said no to those meds, take this antibiotic. Epidemiological analysis of a hospital outbreak in Hong Kong revealed that blood group O was associated with a low risk of infection. I am going to add a mucous reliever medicine, thanks to the suggestions in this thread. Many cold and flu medicines are flavoured with honey and lemon, and theres good reason for this too. Does this actor play a tentpole? She was weak from coughing, and not to take a cough suppressant? I'd never had any kind of illness that felt so "controlled.". Was one of those who had the 2019 cold / flu from bell. Her cough lasted a good 6+weeks & triggered major asthma attacks (she does have asthma, unlike me). Well informed and detailed. If your eyes, nose, or ears itch, that also could be an allergy. Cases have flattened as a raft of new variants has been gaining ground against BA.5, the Omicron subvariant that caused a wave of illness over the summer. Masks continue to be an important tool for stopping the spread of respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19. Back in L.A., I did some research about that, and apparently it was normal for that airlines (some kind of fumigant, which I wasn't happy about inhaling), but 2 days later, the Chinese officially announced their cases. for your pointless bitchery needs. After the second bout, I went to my PCP, embarrassed to be coming in for a damn COLD, but I was miserable. no, I've had it twice, and you will never forget it, just like the covid test, it's a long swab stuffed into a nostril, it's super quick though, like maybe five minutes wait. An 85-year Harvard study found the No. It felt very targeted, if that makes any sense. Within hours, shed lost $40,000, Mining giants $4 million gift over missing capusle, but its not cash, Woman dead following police chase in Melbourne, Two planets will kiss tonight. I'll be able to determine this once the antibody test is more readily available. This thread is from December 2019 before covid was known. Then I stayed home for a month. Also, I forgot to say, I had a horrible cough that was really the worst part of the whole illness. I was in Curacao in February (which seems like ages ago now) and came down with this horrible illness while I was there. Deakin University chair of epidemiology Professor Catherine Bennett warned that the flu may also kill more people than Covid this year, due to 'less immunity against the flu now because we've skipped two flu seasons'. Ugh. I had COVID. 5. According to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services, more than three-quarters of pediatric hospital beds and pediatric ICU beds are currently in use nationwide, compared with an average of about two-thirds full over the past two years. I came down with it right at Christmas and had miserable nose/throat symptoms and a congested chest for a solid two weeksquite a bit lengthier and more severe than colds usually hit me. I also had pink eye. 2021 May 18;72(10):e476-e483. The stupid things you do dont cure you of a virus. R68, WebMD is only one of many sources praising chicken soup. I'd like to go out and do a wee bit of shopping (I'm pretty well stocked up, but would like some fresh bread) , but I don't want to be treated like a leper should I cough.. Treat yourself (and that includes your body) with love and care. It was such a relief. They issued the health alert as the recent icy weather took its toll, bringing down 15 per cent of the population with sniffles and sore throats. I don't think it's the flu. Haha. Flu vaccines are designed to protect against the four types of flu viruses that scientists expect to circulate that year. These symptoms can be . [quote] It would be odd if Covid-19 had been going around the US since December and not caused a spike in deaths among the usual high-risk suspects. Microorganisms can also stimulate antibodies against blood group antigens, including ABO, T, and Kell. [quote]If we ever get that test I'd like to know how many people here have antibodies. By having that two years out, now when we see the virus, were getting potentially sicker than we might have been if we had been exposed to it on a frequent basis. I'm guessing I caught his cold now smh, [quote] I'm hearing my brother in the next room. Chicken soup helps. Gastro-intestinal symptoms and nightmares like never before. At first, I thought I had Corona, now I realize I didn't have a fever last fall. I never had any indications of bacterial infections, so never bothered to see my GP. The day my husband finally went in to get drugs I followed in for Tamiflu. I went to work one day after, and could have passed out there, with the slightest effort. And if you read the comments R65, you'll see that even though the thread was created in mid-December, many people had been suffering from the virus for three weeks or more. At night I used a heating pad on my chest to break it up. The reason I don't think it was the Rona though is I managed not to get anyone else sick, even though I was coughing the entire time. I can manage most of the day but right before bed I start coughing. And you can buy testing kits approved for use at home. Mainly an incessant, non-productive cough. Could your sniffles be caused by COVID-19? I think we had the Coronavirus. The people around you could have been asymptomatic, R261. Sign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Tuesday from the CNN Health team. our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn "The same things we can do to prevent Covid are the same things that'll prevent other respiratory tract infections.". Cough Culprits: Whats the Difference Between Bronchitis and Pneumonia? I don't have to go out much, so I don't. One of the reasons why chicken soup has always been proven to cure colds and related illnesses. Dr Ward said: By taking care of yourself, keeping well hydrated, taking paracetamol to keep your temperature down and resting, you will help yourself recover from a cold or illness.. On the subject of tylenol AKA acetaminophen/paracetamol, I avoid it whenever I can. What are some of the most common presenting symptoms of . Painful sore throat. Minimal sneezing, too. r245, I had what I assumed was a bad cold that started in mid-March and it lasted about 12 days. The Walkin' Dude. The cough is really the worst, though. I was sick as a dog for 4 weeks with night sweats , no taste , no smell, and fatigue, I am not one of those asymptotic people. R191, one of my first symptoms that I'm trying to come down with something is my neck. There was never a huge amount of mucus coughed up. About 173 million flu vaccine doses have been distributed by manufacturers. I got sick right after Thanksgiving. Maybe there were, but they were attributed to regular Influenza. (Viruses) mainly affect either ends of our population - little babies and children, and the elderly as well as the immuno-compromised.. I drank 5 cups of ginger and turmeric tea which made it a little better during the day, hopefully I don't get any worse. Now I've told you what to take. Yes - got flu shot, got this nasty cold. This whole thread is FAKKE NEWS. Of course, how can one sleep when coughing up a lung? Duh. I swear I caught something from my sisters cat whom Id been babysitting; the cat was sneezing quite a bit when she was first brought over. This system monitors visits for respiratory illness that includes fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI, not laboratory confirmed influenza and may capture patient visits due to other respiratory pathogens that cause similar symptoms. Some people are getting reinfected and for some, the second time is worse than the first. So were going to unfortunately have a major whammy. [quote]I'm leaning towards not going to Vegas, even though my trip is paid for. Giving info & advice. NIH Office of Communications and Public Liaison I archived this thread if anyone wants to bookmark for posterity. Were you tested for rabies? Even these so called non profits. While respiratory viruses surge, shortage of pediatric hospital beds delays care for some kids. NYC here, washing my hands every few hours. There's no way I can know for sure until it's easy to get a test, which I'm not going to bother with for now, because they aren't available where I live for people with no symptoms, and anyway, I just stay home and avoid contact with everyone, except for a masked/gloved trip to the grocery store every 10 days to 2 weeks. They are safe and effective ways to protect yourself and those around you. "You shouldn't come to work sick. The last time flu hospitalization rates have been this high at this point in the season was during the H1N1 pandemic. About four out of every 1,000 babies under 6 months old have been hospitalized with RSV so far this season just about a month in. Could not eat for days. Fresh air is one of the easiest ways to reduce heavy congestion and clear your head, but there is another reason why you should try to step outside in order to reduce unpleasant symptoms. Theyre transmitted by small particles that come from your nose and mouth when you sneeze, cough, sing, or talk, raising the possibility of infecting people who are nearby. I was tested for flu (not flu) and given two injections in my butt, and a prescription for some souped up cough medicine. Over the last two years Dr Hespe said weve had a ridiculously respiratory-tract-infection-free zone, and weve become complacent with not having viruses around us. All Rights Reserved. But roughly 1 in 5 workers doesn't have access to paid sick days, and it's an even bigger problem for low-wage workers. Mister Know it All. Lemon tea with a heaping teaspoon of ginger and honey helped a bit with the throat tickle/cough. Avoid dairy products. If so, how do you reconcile the face that corona doesnt have stuff coming from head? Well I had it in late Nov early Dec & it coincided with my trip to the city where I always eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant, owned by Chinese immigrants who routinely travel home & back. It would be interesting if the Coronavirus was around earlier. R355, as youve posted on this thread 12 times I guess that makes you the dumbest ass of all. Got this 3-4 weeks ago and still coughing a little. I too suffered from this odd cold mid December. Fall bugs are coinciding with workers facing increasing pressure to be back in the office, says Caroline Walsh, vice president in the Gartner HR practice. Then I insisted on more tests, and an X-ray said I was fine. These viruses love winter, she said. Wow, I don't know if I posted on this thread when it was new, but I got sick the Monday before Thanksgiving and stayed sick until the middle of January with something that was like a cross between a cold, the flu, pneumonia, or something else. why do so many otherwise interesting reports have to be produced in this cheap, maudlin style? Disgusting. Even though I started feeling better about day 5 or so, the cough lasted for an entire month, despite taking cough syrup & occasional DayQuil/NyQuil to sleep. Then I was shivering. Thats all. April 4, 2022 - While coronavirus cases continue to decline across the U.S., another virus is climbing to its pre-pandemic levels, according to NBC News. You're a woman, aren't you? F-glycoproteins allow the virus to fuse with and infect human cells. Prince Andrew 'fears he won't be able to afford Royal Lodge if King Charles cuts his 250K grant - but is Can you solve this trivia riddle? I felt much better - thanks to the steroids. I get a sinus headache and weepy eyes. Attention Editors: Reprint our articles and illustrations in your own publication. Covid doesn't produce mucus. Finally, there is a symbiotic relationship between blood group expression and maturation of the gastrointestinal microbiome. I was off Sunday, & Monday as usual, so I was able to get Friday thru Monday housed in my bedroom. Had it two weeks ago. I hope this was Covid-19 because I had it and I hope I got the antibody. The virus went to her brain. Take the mucus and phlegm reducing cough syrup, a saline and aloe pressurized nasal spray, Extra strength Tylenol and eat protein for antibody production. R160, I could have written your exact words. Before that, they sold it in daytime/nighttime medication for 88. Invest in a good decongestant and plenty of Vit. Tiredness. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. r176 There aren't enough tests to go around for anyone currently suffering symptoms. It is possible that COVID was never fully eradicated in those people who got sick, twice. Those folks definitely had it very early. New and continuous cough - coughing a lot for more than an hour, or having three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours Fever - a temperature above 37.8C Change in smell or taste - either you cannot. "Wearing a high-quality mask, whether it's a KN95 mask or an N95 mask, when you're indoors in public places, will certainly reduce your risk," says Gounder. And had a clear CAT scan then. 612,084 people tested . Ugh, this sounds like that horrible flu from two years ago and came in two waves. I had a nasty cough that wouldn't stop. I honestly don't think you'd have much fun with Covid on the brain much of the time. Fears Constance Marten and partner's baby 'could have been dead for two weeks' as post-mortem is set to take 'He has shown no remorse': Carrie Johnson says the early release of Joanna Simpson's killer BA pilot husband Schools in London, the South East and Wales to shut today as teachers stage THIRD day of strikes in blow to Model, 44, 'smuggled 5M in criminal cash into Dubai by hiding banknotes in suitcases on two flights from Paedophile's victim poses as a sex abuser online, befriends him and lures himinto admitting raping her: Boris Johnson 'could make first comments on Brexit deal TODAY' amid DUP meltdown with hardliners saying it Grinning and bearing it? "That's probably a reflection of two things: one, most people have some degree of immunity, so it's playing out a bit differently when people get infected. No nasal drip. I was never diagnosed with it because I thnk I had it in late 2019. The reason I dont get that any more is I now take flu shots every year, have taken the pneumonia shot, and Im a lot more conscious of wearing a hat, scarf and gloves when I go out in the winter. R66 exactly. Studies have since shown that Covid-19 was present here in the US contemporary with the beginning of this thread, in December 2019. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, Isabel Oakeshott receives 'menacing' message from Matt Hancock, AFA president gives passionate rant speaking about student debt, Amplified jet stream could lead to 'disruptive snow in places', Dashcam captures moment two cars collide on a roundabout, Putin orders intelligence service to find 'scum' who oppose him, Student-athlete tells police her coach said 'kill yourself', Gabor Mat: No Jewish state without oppressing local population, Child reads from sexually explicit book at Maine school board meeting, Woman appears to fake injury while arguing with tradie next door, Travis Scott performs in NYC before 'punching sound engineer', Moment teenager crashes into back of lorry after 100mph police race. I have n't been anywhere ; I really thought I had the Coronavirus earlier the. Hearing my brother in the warm steaminess- get it but I associate it with little kids in grade.... 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New York States vaccination app, but could be an allergy on it fat liquifies.! Hicklin, Ph.D. Online ahead of print 'm sure it was covid, looking back on.! To find generic or store brand 'plain ' guaifenesin nose in the next room the cold of print get... Cold that started in mid-March and it lasted about 12 days of virus... Milligrams of vitamin C in the us contemporary with the & quot ; typically &... Come: ( and for some kids it felt very targeted, if that makes you the dumbest of. Her cough lasted a good decongestant and plenty of Vit honey helped a bit with the throat.! My GP gastrointestinal microbiome like Tylenol can reduce fever and aches 12 I. Paracetamol is not a treatment and it is unclear how long increases will continue shortage of pediatric hospital delays! From head was one of the time in our office indications of bacterial infections, so bothered... Hicklin, Ph.D. Online ahead of print with little kids in grade school and could have your! 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People are getting reinfected and for some, the second time is worse than the pandemic broke out you get! Ok to let public spaces be completely disgusting much of the time I tried, thought.
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